
19 2 1

Next class is mythology, a class that all senior students must attend. It's only once a week, so it doesn't really concern us much.

Oddly, this class must be at a special place, somewhere near the school library. It wasn't that far, but it is quite isolated from everyone else. None of the students knew why we had to learn mythology there.

I mean, it's just mythology.

As we arrived, I took my favourite seat during in class which was right in front of the whole class, in the middle row. I don't know why, but this class really took my attention. The creatures, Greek Gods, ancient stories... All of them took my interest. To think that all these weird and amazing things are just myths were something I couldn't ignore.

A few minutes later, the rest of my classmates arrived and took their own seats. We didn't have any textbook for this class since it's a special class only for seniors. So, we were only provided with this lesson's respective notebook, a thick one. I took a brief look at all of the notes we took in the past classes. I revised for a while to make sure I still remember everything.

In the meantime, I took out my MP3 player and deafen myself with music. It's not like I don't talk to people, I'm just not the kind of persone someone would want to be friends with. I mean, I'm boring, plain, unpopular...

Just then, the teacher came in. In a rush, everyone went back to their seats and I quickly kept my MP3 in my pocket. After greeting our teacher, we opened the book to a new page right next to the last page we had written.

"Okay class, today, we will learn about a prophecy. The prophecy goes like this;

Twelve guardians will reunite as one,
And the black pearl will rule the universe,
She shall sacrifice her life for another,
And they would sacrifice their lives for her,
13 hearts in one soul,
13 souls in one heart,
May the heir be always the one

As the teacher finished reading the prophecy, everyone stayed silent. This is the only prophecy that we learned since our first class. Prophecies weren't meant to be remembered, the teacher said, but our teacher insisted to teach us this one.

"So, students, this is a prophecy that was told through the generations. It is said that there will be a girl that will rule the world one day and protect everyone. But, until now, the said 'black pearl' haven't appeared yet. Some people doesn't believe in this, but some still do. Other than that, the girl is said to have 12 guardians. No one knows who are they or what are they, but our ancestors are positive that they have powerful abilities. They are divided into two, and one of the members for each group have a pet, a strong. There are rumors saying that these pets are myth creatures such as chimeras, loch ness monster and more, but no one knows that truth until they really appear. Each guardian have a special symbol that represents their abilities on their body."

A student raised his hand. It was the new kid, Park Chanyeol. "How about the girl? She must have a symbol too to prove that she's the girl." He asked.

The teacher smiled. "There are rumors about her symbol. Some said she has something like a tatoo, or a symbol line her guardians. But the one that people believe the most is that she has a birthmark with a symbol like this on her left collarbone." The teacher drew a symbol on the blackboard.

It was a hexagon. Two ends on the top were connected with the opposite ends on the bottom part of the polygon, creating an 'X'. A corner on the left side had a line that end in the middle between the corner and the middle of the 'X'. When I looked closely at the symbol, it spelled 'EXO'. And it reminded me about something.

I have the exact birthmark of that symbol. On my left collarbone.

I touched my birthmark hidingly, and retreated my hand. It couldn't be. It's just a myth. I shrugged my mind off my birthmark and focused on the class.

The teacher talked more about what the prophecy meant and more questions were asked by some students. I decided to stay quiet and just focus since the birthmark thing kind of bothered me.

"So class, after this, we will learn about this prophecy more for another class or two. You may leave now." The class ended and all of us left. It was the last class of the week, and I was thinking of doing grocery after school.

While putting my books into my locker, the new kid came to me. "Hey, you're Jaerim right? From my class?" He asked. I just nodded, not really good with conversations.

"Just call me Scarlett. They all call me that." I responded. I walked away, and he followed and ended up walking beside me. I'm not used to be with anyone this close, but with him, I felt safe.

I felt the same thing as I felt in my dream.

"So... erm... Where are you going?" He asked. Maybe he's just trying to keep the conversation going. And I tried my best too. "I'm going for grocery shopping after this." I told him. He nodded lightly as we walked pass the school gate.

"Where do you live?" He asked again after a few minutes of silence. And again, I just answered plainly. "Just 15 minutes walking distance from school." And again, silence greeted us.

Before he could ask another question, I stopped him. "Look, Chanyeol, I know you want to be nice to me, and I know you're not comfortable around me, you can just leave me if you want to..." My words trailed off and I left him dunbfounded, going into the store.

That night, I was about to go to sleep after finishing my homeworks when I walked past my father's study room. The door was opned a bit, so I peeked inside and saw father sleeping soundlessly on his desk. A small smile appeared in my face as I entered the room silently, not wanting to wake him up.

I took his coat from his coat rack and covered his tired body with it. Suddenly, I saw a small box next to him with my name on it. I took it and brought it back to my room after leaving my father to sleep. Entering my room, I opened a box and there was a note along with a beautiful necklace with a locket that looks exactly like my birthmark. At the middle of the locket, there was a small black pearl.

The note says;

Dear Jaerim,
Happy 18th birthday! May this year be a better year. Don't get a boydriend until I say so. And I hope you like your present

Love, dad.

I smiled. "Thanks, father..."

That night, I slept with a bew necklace dangling around my neck.

Author's note;
I'm targeting to reveal new characters each chapter until everyone in EXO has been intro-ed.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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