Chapter Twenty One: The Forest of CAHOOTS.

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Hi again! Hopefully this chapter will be longer than the last as I have peace and quiet to write in for a while. So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

How does everyone like the new cover? I drew it all myself on Paint Tool SAI- I love that program. It's so much easier than Photoshop- and cheaper too!! But enough about that. The cover is showing the appearance of everyone as they are in the book RIGHT NOW. Charlie, Jack, Zoey and Tommy/ Ichigo are all on there, but I'll probably do individual profiles for each of them as well. Well, pictures, at least.

And, I can confirm that there WILL be a sequel. I was indecisive about it before, but I know now. It probably won't be very long, but yeah.

Well, ENJOY! :D

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Tommy/ Ichigo's POV

The trees that made up the Forest of Death were monstrous, the bugs that crawled out of them much... larger than average and the sounds that erupted from behind them so much creepier when heard in real life rather than through an iPod Touch speaker. Of course, Deidara and Sasori- sorry, Daisuke and Sotaro- didn't seem even a little bit worried by all of these very worrying things, so I forced myself to mask the fear I felt. I couldn't give that bloody Deidara anything else to tease me about. Stupid terrorist jerk.

I shouldn't be scared, anyway. I told myself, but it still didn't sit well. I'm a ninja now, I can defend myself.

I ducked as a kunai whooshed past my head- a product of the trip wire that Deidara had set off. I glared at him, while Sasori snorted. The blonde rose his hands apologetically.

"C'mon, we need to find one of those Earth scrolls." Sasori said loudly, and I couldn't help but wonder what the heck he was doing. Why was he advertising what scroll we had? Was he an idiot? "We've already got a Heaven scroll, so that's the one we need."

Oh come on. Seriously? Did he seriously just say that?

We only walked a few more steps before a full squad of Rain shinobi blocked our path. They all bore identical smug grins.

"You guys aren't too clever, are you? Advertising which scroll you have like that- you might as well just give it to us." The centre one said, but Sasori only smiled. I did an inner fangirl (yes, I'm aware that I am male) squeal at how damn cute he was.

"I think you are the stupid ones- why didn't you ambush us?" the redhead gave a small chuckle and tweaked his fingers, "Overconfident, are we?"

The three Rain shinobi gasped out as their bodies were constricted with what I could only assume were chakra threads, and glared as Deidara casually searched them all for scrolls. I scowled, but couldn't help the relief that surged my system as I caught up to speed with the trap that Sasori had set.

"Y'know, if you're going to do that kind of thing, you could at least warn me first." I muttered to him, and he only shrugged, surveying the surroundings as Deidara pulled out a scroll. He swore, checking it against our own.

"Fuck! What a waste of time, they have the same scroll as us." he said irritably, "This whole exam is bull, un."

"We may as well keep it." I said to him, thinking back to when I had watched the series and Kiba had said about collecting more than we needed to eliminate the competition, "That's one less team we have to worry about in the next round."

"Psh, we don't need to worry about any of these worthless Genin." Deidara said cockily, but tossed the scroll to me. I jammed it into my kunai pouch next to the other one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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