Early mornings

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So it turns out that the school has built in alarm systems that go off at five thirty. I was dreaming peacefully of wild horses when 'BEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEEP" the alarm sounded. I groaned and got out of bed. I grabbed a pair of beige breeches and a light blue polo shirt. Jaylee had on a pair of midnight black breeches and a purple polo. we both quickly brushed out hair and French braided it. I put on mascara and lipgloss and that's it. I put on my tall black boots and a grey light jacket cause it was November. we walked out and went to the cafeteria which was still closed "we have barn chores" I guessed as we started to walk to the barn. I overheard abigail say "we better not have chores these are designer clothes and I just got a pedicure last night. I bit back a snarky reply and kept walking to the barn. "I hate getting up early" jaylee mumbles beside me. I laugh and we enter the door where our instructor mr.David was waiting. "as you might know here at shining star academy we have no stable hands to clean our barn or work our lesson horses that is your guys jobs there is a list of what you have to do which horses to work and feed what feed they get how much and everything you need to know on the wall behind me." he says. I here Abigail screech "I did not come here to stable hand work I came here to be the perfect rider I refuse to work" she says. I roll my eyes and go check the list. 'Autumn grace, wash horse blankets for America, June and caramel. feed and work America, June and caramel,' then there was a list of what each horse got. I began preparing the food. America was an American paint horse mixed with American quarter horse. he was a light brown and white paint about fifteen three hh tall. I have him his feed before going to June who was beside america. June was a beautiful bay Arabian mare about sixteen two hh. I poured the bucket of food in her feed bin before going to caramel who was the last stall of the barn. caramel was a caramel coloured akhal-teke mare about fourteen seven hh. once feeding them I decided to let the eat and went to wash there blankets. there blankets were all black with there names on them. The blankets had to be hand washed and then hung up to dry so it took about forty five minutes to do all of them. once those were done I grabbed America's red halter and blue lead rope. I remember on the paper that she just needed to be lunged out and didn't need to be rode. so I grabbed a lunge line and went to an empty round pen. I clicked my tongue to send her out and she began at a walk. I clucked my tongue again and she began to trot. I trotted her two laps before asking for a canter. her transition was smooth and she cantered nicely. I stopped her and repeated this on the opposite side before putting her away and getting June's green halter. She was to be rode and do jumps at seventy centimetres. I tacked her up with my saddle and her bridle and set five jumps at seventy centimetres and asked for a trot. I collected her trot before getting her to canter. I collected up her canter and pointed her straight at the fist blue and white vertical. Then I turned her to the flowery jump. I hit my two point as she jumped. we cleared the course not hitting any. we did the course again and then I put June away. I grabbed caramels black halter and lead rope. caramel wasn't broke yet so they wanted her to do jumps at fifty centimetres on the lunge line. I grabbed the same lunge line I used with America and set up two jumps for fifty centimetres. I started with a smaller circle at a trot before sending her out at a canter over the jump. she jumps the two jumps perfect. I repeat this going the same way again before sending her out the other way. we had a little trouble with her cantering at first but quickly got over it and jumped the two jumps. like the other side I made her jump them twice. after that I clipped her lead rope on and put her away telling her good girl and giving her a pat on the neck. those were all my chores so I went and told mr.David I was done and he said I could go back to the dorm and be back at the barn at nine thirty.

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