Merlin: Evil Twin

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Vern’s POV

I have never lived in one place too long. Most people dislike my attitude, like I cared.

I don’t know who my mother is as well as I don’t know my father but I couldn’t care less. I didn’t need anyone to love me or care about me.  I am fine on my own. Always have been and always will be.

The last place I wanted to end up was in Camelot. I was on the run. It was the nearest place to hide at the time. I go by the name of V I don’t like people knowing my real name. It’s the way I work.

I steal for a living. Most people think it’s wrong but I don’t. I am poor and I see it as more fortunate people are giving to the hungry and poor like me.

I’ve been called evil many times but you will find out soon enough why. Being on the run can be quite fun but as I said I really didn’t want to go into Camelot.

I just had no choice at the time so I arrived in Camelot late at night. It would be easier to hide until the people after me carried on.

 The fun began with one name which was clearly not mine but someone was talking directly to me and he happened to be a knight.  

He called the name again. ‘Merlin!’, I starred at him for a second wondering who this Merlin was.

‘Merlin are you deaf why are you out so late?’ he asked me.

‘I needed some fresh air’ I said quickly.

‘Oh well get in soon its late’ said the knight as he turned around and walked back the other way.

Camelot just got more interesting.


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Oh this idea was not mine but I liked the whole idea and decided to wrtie a full lengh story on it hehe

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