Chapter eleven: My life couldn't get better

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Vern's POV

I had to keep going even if there was a chance of Arthur dying. Merlin is my brother and I may not know him as much as I wanted but I knew I and Arthur were his only hope and I was not going to give up after going all this way.

Arthur has begun to recover so it was unlikely Arthur would die but there is still a risk he will. This was all my fault and I had to stop it.

I had no idea what Merlin being Emry's meant but it was clear it was important and I had a feeling it had something to do with Arthur. However when it came down to either Merlin becoming Emry's or Merlin at least surviving then I cared more about him being alive. I know that would seem horrible but I cared a lot more about Merlin then I cared about Arthur. Who wouldn't Merlin is my twin brother after all. My twin brother, it still felt strange saying that even if it was just in my thoughts.

Arthur stirred in his sleep, it would probably good to pack up camp and keep on moving because the longer we sat around the longer Merlin could be in danger.

I had to save my brother whatever it took. Even if it meant my life was taken in the progress.

Merlin's POV

If you want to know how much pain I am in imagine a hawk pecking at you continually but then imagine the hawk's peak as a knife. I am sitting in a cold cramped room tied to a chair with magic and the pain I have gone through the last two hours are too horrible to even repeat.

I had got through it though and I did it all for Vern. I knew it was likely I wouldn't get out of this alive and my destiny will never come true. That most important question had been in my head ever since I found out Vern is my twin brother.

Who would I decide between? Would I decide Arthur or Vern, my best friend or my twin brother which one would I choice?

It was clear now. I'll choice my brother. He needs me to protect him and this is exactly what I am doing right now. I know Arthur can survive on his own he'll be alright but Vern I'm not so sure.

Vern needs me. Vern would be where I am right now and I am glad I butted in now. I am glad they took me and not my brother. I just wished I had told Arthur about Vern and asked him to protect him for me.

Vern can be seen as evil but I know I can help him and guide him and hopefully that make him change. If I somehow got out of this that would be my task.

"Excuse me....why did you attack our village?" asked a little girl who had just came into the room.

What could I say? I had no idea did I.

"To be honest I don't know," I said sadly.

"You're not just look like him. Well actually your twins," said the girl.

"How do you know that?" I asked her.

"I maybe young but I do have gifts as well. I just happen to have the gift of mind reading, feeling what others feel including their pain and last but not least I have managed to shape shift before," she smiled.

"My name is," I began.

"'re going to be Emry's someday."

I looked at her but didn't say anything. "You may have given up hope of getting out of here alive but I wouldn't be so sure. Two people travel here as we speak. One is a true friend and the other is someone who to quite recently has always been evil but you be surprised what your words have done. They reached his good heart which is hidden away. It is only a matter of time Merlin. Good luck you will need it and be strong," smiled the girl before she left the room and left me staring after her with my mouth wide open.

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