Chapter 3 Mother

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I went back to the couch and sat beside Sean I could feel Kelly watch me as I done it but my phone started to ring Oh fuck it's 12:06 I said and answered the phone to my mother ' where the hell are you it's past 12 o fucking clock and your not home young lady 'um in in town with Kelly and Sean' I said I could here her talking under her breath witch means she's angry 'get your ass home right now' she said I told her I would be a while she calmed down and said okay. I got my stuff ready and rang a taxi I had to wait a while for the taxi but it finally came as I was leaving the lads walked me out I could feel Sean touch me I just looked back smiled and walked out the door. I got into the taxi and went home. When I arrived in the door my Mam was sitting at the table smoking and dad was out with the lads. She stood up looked at me and said ur grounded , what ma no like come on how long I asked she said two weeks that my behavior has been horrendous, I ran up stairs and rang my dad Michael to tell him how much of a pig he's being like two fucking weeks like what is she pregnant or some shit. Big hormonal head on her . I fuckin hope not having an older brother enough. Anyway I just turned my phone off and went to bed . For a while I thought about what Sean had done I honestly didn't think he was that kind of lad but then again we have liked each other since we were 13 but Sean always listened to daddy and didn't get involved with girls until now .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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