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What was James saying?

James Parker, her father died on the twenty fourth of December, a day before her birthday.

Her mother, Emilia Parker died the next day after bringing her into the world.

"I'm sorry but the James Parker I know died a long time ago."

Allie said, quietly, casting her eyes to the ground.

James shook his head.

"I didn't die sweetheart."

James said, fighting the urge to hold her hand.

" look exactly like your mother, but you got my hair."

He wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger for a second and then dropped his hand.

"Do you want to see her picture?"

Allie didn't say anything, only watched as he walked out of the room.

Several wheels were turning in her head.

It couldn't be a joke because he looked dang serious.

A dream... Maybe.

'Cause sometimes when she wasn't happy, she had really weird dreams.


James returned and handed the picture to her.

Allie found herself starring right back at herself. If she were to turn her hair brown, she'd look just like the woman in the picture.

"That accident happened, my car was crushed, luckily I fell very far from my car, unfortunately I lost my memory."

James drew in a long breath.

"I woke up with no memory at all. It took me a year and half to get it back. I remembered I had a wife and a daughter to get back to."

Allie wrapped her arms around herself.

"When I discovered what happened to Em, I started searching madly for you. I checked everywhere for you, having no clue to what you looked like, it was hard, I almost thought I'd lost you."

Allie shook her head to stop her reeling mind.

"That day Lydia saw you, she knew it was you. She ran straight to me, and said she saw someone that looked exactly like the woman in the picture."

James explained. Allie nodded.
That was why she got that reaction.

"I loved you and your mother so much Al, I punished myself for letting that accident happen. I wanted to raise you, pamper you like a princess, buy you lipsticks and wad the boys off."

His voice was distant and sad.

"You can't be too sure..."

She started but he cut her off.

"We agreed to call our child Allison."

He starred hopefully at her.

"And you look just like her"

This last part came out as a soft whisper.

Her life was upside down, her heart was shattered and now... This!?

She looked at the picture in her hand.

So this woman was her mother? She looked nice, beautiful, kind...

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