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Dom had thousands of questions swarming his mind as he set eyes on James Parker for the first time.

He was really Allie's dad. That hair and the high cheekbones and long lashes all bore witness.

"I can't believe I found her after all those years."

James said, breaking through his train of thought.
He was watching Allie cheerfully take orders at the bar.

They were having drinks that James served.

The humility, Allie got it from James.

"You know, if she were blonde, she'd pass for Emily."

He smiled sadly as he said that.

Dom kept his lips sealed, not knowing how to respond.

"If you're going to storm out of her life again just leave."
Dom didn't miss the hard look James pinned him with.

He opened his mouth but no words came, he cleared his throat.

"I can't walk away again, that I'm sure of."

He said truthfully and picked up his stotch and gulped down a generous amount.

"Why did you let her go in the first place?."

Dom looked away again, Kayla had asked him the same question and nearly broke his head when he'd told her about their breakup five years back.

"Honestly sir, I don't deserve Allie or anyone with a pure heart like hers but I can't live without her, I love her, she completes me."
He said the last part more to himself.

James frowned at him.

What's with the disapproving look?
What did I say wrong

He almost asked as James frowned in his direction.

"Tell me, what do you do?"
James crossed his arms, leaning into his seat.

Deep breath.

"I run a shipping line."
Dom said, unable to hide the pride in his voice. It wasn't everyday that you use your whole life savings to start up a business which is now thriving today.

James said dryly.

Really, what does it take to impress this guy?

James nailed him to an almost squirming point with his scrutinizing glare.

"Hey dad!"
He was saved by that voice as James looked looked away from him and turned to greet a young Lady with a warm smile.

"Hi princess, how was it?"

Her smile flattened.

"The registrar wasn't on seat, I'm afraid I'll have to go back there on monday."

She sighed in distress, finally acknowledging Dom's presence.

"Oh... Who's this?"

She asked her dad, glancing briefly at Dom.


-"boyfriend. I'm Dominic by the way."
Dom interrupted James, introducing himself to her.

"You look a little bit familiar."
She frowned playfully at him.

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