The Night River and Bella Stayed

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We were all sitting on the couch and watching movies.There was a lot of thunder and lightning and the lights kept flickering on and off.
I went upstairs and got tons of duvets and pillows and made a massive tent for us kids.Bella and Theo had fallen asleep halfway through the movies so me and River just layed them into their places.
I laid down next to Bella while River was next to Theo.
"Hey,River"i say
"What Grey"he replied
"Id rather have Tori and Seb then my parents"i say truthfully
"Same here Grey,our parents are not worth our time"he says
"Touche" it went silent before i turner round and said "Goodnight River" i say before closing my eyes
"Night Grey" he says and i doze off after that.
I wake up to feel wetness on my top as i look down i realise Bella was crying.
"Hey babygirl whats wrong" i say while sitting up and placing her in ny lap.
"Im sscared oof tthe lllightning and Ttthunder" she says while weeping.
I stroke her hair and cuddle her closer.
A bolt of lightning hits the trees and Bella Shrieks.
"Hey,whats wrong"River sleepily says
"Shes scared" i say while rubbing her back .
River stands up and makes his way towards me and takes Bella from my arms and starts to rock her.Bella starts breathing at a normal space and starts to snore.
Suddenly a loud crash is heard and is followed by lightning.Theo wakes up and starts crying and so does Bella.I pick Theo up and pull the duvets and make them into a castle.River starts to help me and we grab more duvets and pillows and finish making the Castle.
"Why did you make a castle LaLa" Bella says sleepily with her head on Rivers chest.
"When me and River were 5 ,River was scared of lightning so Seb and Tori made a castle to keep us safe and ever since then River has never been scared again" i say while ruffling Theos hair.
"I wasnt scared Grey,you were the one who used to wet the bed" River snarks back.
"I think your brain got flushed down the loo because i remeber you cuddling mr teddy"i say
"You think your so smart and dont get that teddy into it your the one who cried when he died" he says
"Your the one who did surgeries on him and cut him open to look for his heart" i snark back.
"Your the one who gave me permission dumbo" he says
"STOPP" Lala and RivRiv you promised you wouldnt fight" Bella says before weeping into Rivers Chest.
"Sorry Princess" River says
"Sorry Tinkerbell" i say
"Its okayy"Bella says
"Can we go sleep now" Theo says
"Course we can Munchkin" i say before kissing his forehead.
We put the kids in the middle and lay down and fell into deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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