Urghh back to hell

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Beep Beep Beep
I grab my alarm clock and throw it across my room,i hear a bang followed by a thunk.Woops i may need a new alarm.
"Layla wake up and get your arse downstairs" Seb screams from downstairs.
"Im awake you ompa lumpa" i scream back and make my way to my bathroom.
I guess i should introduce myself .My name is Layla Maya Grey and im a senior in Arrows high school.My parents Summer and Matthew are always on business trips and are never home.My brothers are called Sebastion Adam Grey who is 22,Alex Mason Grey who is 20,Logan Nathaniel Grey and Luca Owen Grey are also seniors in Arrow high and are 17 like myself and lastly my little brother Theodre Michael Grey who is 1.
I have my shower and get dressed in a white tanktop amd grey jeans with my leather jacket and chelsea boots.I put light makeup on as i dont want to look like barbies twin sister.
"LaLa" Theo says while crawling into my room.
"Come on Theo lets go and have some Breakfast"i say as i pick him up and make my way downstairs.
I put Theo in his high chair and sit down next to him.
"Here you go Layl" Seb says and passses me a bowl of cereal as he starts to feed Theo.
Im about to put the cereal in my mouth when Seb takes the spoon and bowl and chucks it in the sink.
"What the hell Seb,thats my breakfast"i angrily reply
Logan ,Luca and Alex start laughing like hyenas and Seb goes and slaps all of them on the head.
"Wwwe pu put mamaggots in your cereal"Alex says in between laughing .I stand up and look Alex in the eye "Run brothers" the three of them go wide eyed and run up the stairs with me chasing them.

We made it to school just in time and lets just say all the boys have purple and blue bruises all over their bodies.Sadly the female population at school are completely in love with my brothers and start fawning over them as soon as they see them.
Straight away Luca and Logan make some story about beating someone up and then being kidnapped.
I climb onto my motorcycle "Luca and Logan hopefully the bruises dont last i mean i did beat you guys up lightly" and with that i strut into the school hearing gasps and wolf whistles.
I went into first lesson and see that there was only one empty space and the person who was next to that seat was none other than River Jayden Knight.
"Hey err excuse me but i am not sitting next to that thing" i say as politely as possible.
The teacher turns round and says "Hi young lady and why not"
"Well im allergic to idiotic jerks called River Jayden Knight" i say
"Hmm you must be Layla and im Miss Hutcherson" she says with a smirk on her face.
"Im Layla your Miss and thats satans spawn" i say while pointing at River
"Oi grey i aint satans spawn i am Satan"River says
"Shutup Knight" i say
"Layla just go sit down"she says
I trudge to my seat and pull the chair as far away from River as i could.
"Layla sit next to River" Hutcherson says
"I am not sitting next to River he has Stds" i say
"I dont want Grey next to me shes got Virgerism" he says
"I dont want River even in the same country as me because hes smell makes onions cry" i say
"Grey shouldnt be allowed in the same world as me because shes to annoying"River snarks back.
"Both of youse stop"Hutcherson says before carrying on with the Lesson.
"We are going to be doing projects with your partners and you will learn about them and their families" Hutcherson says
"Greys brothers are nice but she mustve been dropped once or hundreds of times because shes so stupid"River says and i hear giggles and a few hoots.
"Rivers sisters are sweet but River must have been adopted because he is just uglyy" i say and more giggles and hoots are heard.
"Layla and River have you guys ever thought about Couples Counselling"Hutcherson says
"WHATT!!"Me and River shout
"Id rather date a pig with a tutu then go out with her"River says and the class laughs.
"Well id rather date a pig with a tutu and wear a sign that says vegetarian then even think about dating River"i say
"Hang on id rather date a pig with a tutu and wear a sign that says vegetarian and also propose to miss Hutcherson then date Grey" River says
"Id rather date a pig with a tutu and wear a sign that says vegetarian and also propose to Miss Hutcherson and buy her a ring then date River" i say and the class are in fits of laughter.
"Layla and River stopp this instance" Hutcherson says
"Hutcherson is ugly and probably is infected with i cant marry disease but i would rather be with her then you Grey" River says
"Hutcherson looks like something which cane out the toilet and mushed with brussel sprouts but i would rather like her than you" i say
"GET OUT OF MY CLASS NOW" Hutcherson says
"Look Grey now Hutcherson hates me oh well id rather bang a freshman" River says
"Ewww River and Hutcherson Looks like a swollen tomato "i say
"OUT NOW" Hutcherson says
Me and River look at eachother and race eachother to the principles office.Oh school.Dont you just love it.

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