chapter three

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Ik this book isn't to good but just wait it will get better
Evies horse Gilbert in the pic above
I woke up at 2:30 and walked quietly down stairs, no one was home... .
Thank God
I decided I was gonna go ride Gilbert which he was only down the road. I had a comp coming up soon and I needed to be prepared..pfffttttt what am I saying I just want an excuse to ride Gilbert, he's my best friend, whenever my mother or my so called father does somthing to me, I go to Gilbert. He's the only one who I show my feelings to I guess. Gilbert's also the only one who has seen me cry. I know I'm talking about Gilbert as if he's like a human well werewolf but truth is I don't really have many friends because I don't trust them I mean just look at my.... Parents....yerrrrrr I'll just call them that tho I absolutely hate them. Like for example when I didn't cook them dinner cause I didn't think they would be home they strapped me to a chair and poured Wolfspain all over me and stabbed me, when they where done I had just enough strength to go to Gilbert. Ik this sounds strange but he Idk was comforting in a horse way and I guess ik he will never do what my parents did to me.
As I walked up to the gate he was already running over to me obviously excited.
"hey boy, ready for a ride" I said whilst scratching his neck, he loves that.
He gave me a horse hug which I know means a yes.
I gave him a groom (for those who are inexperienced with horses, groom means brush) than I saddled him up and put his bridal on. I walked over to the shed with Gilbert following me and when I mean following I legit mean following out of his choice. I put on my helmet and jump onto my horse... Not literally, but I do get onto my horse.
With that Gilbert and I trot around the arena, I hope off him and adjust some jumps for us. The first one was a meter and 30cms, just as I was about to jump over the next one my dad yelled
"u can do better than that slu\!"
Gilbert hates him so he got spoked which in my case was not good. He bucked (that's kicking with his two back legs) than he reared (Standing on the two back legs with the two front in the air) I landed it and was still on him when my father whipped him on the top of his bum.
Very very bad idea everyone knows to never touch a horse than unless u r really close with it like me, if not u don't touch there let alone whip it.
Gilbert panicked alot which made me fall off and land on my as$.

"YOU STUPID FU(KING HORSE!!!" my dad yelled and whipped him again.

Gilbert ran and my dad whipped him again I could see the fear in Gilbert's eyes.

"DAD STOP.... PLEASE!!" I yelled

My father turned his attention to me.

"you fu(king brat" and with that he whipped me against the thigh and left leaving me in pain and trying to calm Gilbert down.

Sorry guys that this update was boring... I just wanted to give u a little info on life at home and how she is, what her parents are like and stuff
Thanks for reading
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