Ending 2: The end

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 I can't believe I found this! Oh god, it's been.. Years. Almost 15. I don't even know why I'm writing in this. Heh. Probably just so I have something to show my last words. Anyways.. If you're reading this, great. I'm dead. My name is Ellie Powers. If you ever heard about the terrorist attack on the hospital in 2000, I was the lone survivor. Except.. It wasn't terrorists. It was Jack. I've tried to pass him off as just an imaginary friend. To pretend that I was really schizophrenic. Ha. I even did research, so when I went to the psychiatrist, I could fake some of the symptoms. But no... I know that those murders really happened. Jack has never bothered me since, because I've taken a constant stream of medication, too much at times.. But I think he's grown stronger. Somehow, I have no idea how. I have no idea how Jack even.. Exists. Anyways, people around me keep dropping like flies. First, my neighbor. I thought it was a coincidence- she was getting old, and slightly senile. Then, my psychiatrist. Then my boyfriend. He was kind of a jerk anyway. But he didn't deserve to die! Though I think his many exes would disagree. Then I knew it wasn't a coincidence. Then.... Then.... My pills disappeared. Even my back up ones. Now.. Now I can feel the medication wearing off... Now, I know whenever I drift off to sleep, I'll wake up. And Jack will be there. Staring at me with his almost puppy like eyes. But he was far from anything as innocent and pure as a puppy.

Well, crap. I'm so tired. I've stayed up... How many..? Oh, yeah, four nights in a row, living off of coffee. I know I'm going to crash any minute now. Heh. But, at least I'm prepared.

I fell asleep. I knew it. Jack is here, with me, in my room. Staring at me.

"Hey, Ellie," He said, as if it had only been yesterday that I had last seen him. "Why did you take that pill?" He asked menacingly. I stared at him, almost unable to respond for a minute. I told him the truth.

"Because I hate your guts." Jack looked hurt.

"That's mean." Jack replied, as if he were scolding a nine year old.

"Hey, Jack," I asked Jack, a smile on my lips. "Am I going to your mommy

daddy's house?" I asked him, as if I was a child again. He smiled.


"Am I going to Heaven?" I asked innocently, reaching my hand under my pillow. Jack smiled even more.

"I'm the closest you'll ever get to something holy." He mocked. I could see it in the shadows. Wings stretching out behind him. Even in the shadows I could see that they were limp, and useless, broken in many places. I grabbed the steak knife I had under my pillow, and jumped up, out of my bed, in my pajamas, and rushed towards a surprised looking Jack.

I whispered in his ears, "Then I'm dragging you with me to Hell." 

A/N: That's it! The story is over! ^-^ It was fun to write, and I never expected it to snowball as it had. If you're reading, comment which ending was your favorite. 

Also, Merry Christmas, or whatever you choose to celebrate! :)

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