How i feel.........

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Hey therewhat your about to read is very true to me and what i feel. thanks for reading :)


Being alone even when you have friends is strange. You feel like you shouldn't be sad or afraid and yet when i'm with my friends i feel lonely. Ifeel like i'm gonna be left behind, and no-one will stay behind to get me. I'll always feel lonely in a crowd of people, i may start a conversation with you but when i try to spaek i get pushed aside and talked over. No-one even hears my silent pleas for hhelp when they see my standing there not knowing what to do. I'm a loner even though i have friends. My brother likes to rub it in my face when i don't bring my friends over. Somedays i'm strong and put up with the lonliness an other times i am weak and cry myself to sleep. I'm always lonely on the inside even though you see me smile and laugh.

I''m always lonely.

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