Chapter 9- Don't get too close

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S t e l l a

"Yea. I know who he is. He goes to my s-school," I choked. Louis laughed lightly covering his mouth and looking away.

I glared at him.

"Well, that's great. Now you two can go bond and what not" She smiled warmly rubbing her hands on the apron tied around her waist. She gave me a warning look before turning around and heading back to the kitchen, creating a "click-clock" sound on her heels.

My father talked amongst Tomlinson Sr., and Louis and I stood there off to the side awkwardly. I cleared my throat carefully.

"We should maybe go up to your room yea?"

"No," I spat.

"Why so ansty baby?" He attempted to throw his arms over my shoulder, but I swatted them away.

"I don't like you, and I barely know you.." I kept my voice as low as possible. "Don't call me that" I snapped.

"What have I done?" A smirk played on his lips, and right then and there I had the urge to slap him. He knew that I disliked him, he knew that he made uneasy, and he was using that to his advantage.

"I don't like the way you approached me. Have some respect," I began marching towards the staircase up to my room, but to my disapproval he followed close behind me. I moaned miserably pushing my way through my doors and throwing myself on the bed. 

He awkwardly stood in the doorway looking around and taking in the setting. He chuckled lightly and strolled inside.

"Your room is not as big as mines" He smiled playfully. 

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever"

I stood to my feet and strolled over the bathroom checking myself in the mirror. I always had this urge to look at my face every five minutes and make sure that I looked fine. I almost forgot Louis was even in the room, and the thought of him lurking around my room, and looking through my things bothered me. As much as I hated to admit; I don't like Louis. I'm not usually the person to automatically not like someone without a permanent reason, but he did give me a reason not to like him.

I opened the door and nearly choked on the saliva in my mouth seeing Louis on the phone. Not any phone, my phone.

When he saw that I had entered the room he quickly dismissed the person and hung up.

I'm sure my face was red, not from blushing, but from anger. I felt intruded, and violated, he had no fucking right to be touching my possessions. I had a gut feeling he would so something as sneaky as that.

"Your phone was ringi-"

"That doesn't give you the permission to fucking pick up my phone!" I snatched it from his hands and shoved it in my bra. He flinched.

I placed my hands on my waist.

"It was Harry," he breathed. 

I sucked in a sharp breath and a wave of panic began to immediately wash over my body. What if he wanted to apologise, or he wanted to talk and then Louis picked up the phone confirming his doubts about our being together? Now I had a shit load to explain to him, and knowing Harry he wouldn't want to put up with it let alone hear what I had to say. Explaining myself to him would be like shouting at a deaf person.

When he noticed my hesitation and uneasiness he stepped closer.

"He was asking for you, and he didn't seem to happy," He licked his small lips.

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