Chapter 8 It finally begins

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3rd POV Supervisor's Room

"Why did you bring us here?Why are we the only ones here?  It's supposed to be the whole SA right?" Richard asked as he, Ellaine, Stephen, Sofie and Claire sat on the office's couch.

"Yeah right but I brought you here because you have a different mission." The supervisor said.

Everyone's was confused of what the supervisor said

"Different?" Stephen said.

"Rumor has it that is a traitor amidst the SA. So Hayley made a plan to catch whoever that is and so you can leave that to us. But here is your mission kill Mr. Chen and of course rescue your so called friend."

"Abigail." Richard said.

Everyone looked at him.

"Yes.." The supervisor said, she stood up and turned on a monitor which appeared in front of us. "if what you said is true about her being alive then your mission is to take her alive, and also kill Mr. Chen."

"Richard are you really sure that you saw Abigail." Stephen asked.

"Yes.. Yes I am." Richard said.

"Yes he is and so am I." Cyril suddenly stepped in the room and approached the monitor. He did a little scrolling until a picture showed up. He zoomed in one of the people it was Abigail.

"Gail.." Everybody said.

"Yes it is Gail now I want you to get her alive." Cyril said.

"How did she end up in Mr. Chen's hands??"  Richard asked.

"well it's actually my fault." Cyril avoided everyone's gaze and looked to the side.

"What?!" Everybody shouted.

*Flashback from Cyril's memory*

"Is she alright?" Cyril asked the doctor.

"Yes somehow she will live but she will lose her memories because she is going to suffer an amnesia after what we've done." The doctor said.

Cyril was relieved. "Great doc thanks!"

"I will tell them." The doctor said.

"No," everyone looked at the door, it was Mr. Chen the supervisor the Third Alliance, who entered the room.

"I'm taking her with me." He said.

"But she still needs to go to the S.A." Cyril said confused.

"No she will go straight to me."

"Ok if that's what you say. I guess I have no choice." 

The one of the rules is that if a student from IAC is chosen to be promoted they get promoted secretly and their sudden loss in action will be covered by accidents or KIA's(Killed in Action).

"Tell them that she died." Mr. Chen said. The doctor went out of the room.

"Take care of her." Cyril said as he approached the door.

"I will." Mr. Chen said. Mr. Chen then went out of the room.

*End of flashback*

"And that's what happened." Cyril explained.

"Since arguing wouldn't do anything good let's just proceed to the mission." Stephen said. 

Richard is just sitting silently staring at the screen.

"Alrighty then.." The supervisor snapped.

Hayley entered the room.

"Hayley here will be the one to explain your mission while I make the preparations gotta go.." The supervisor said as she walked away.

"Ok here it is." The monitor screen suddenly showed a map from top view. It was an island with thick walls.

"Is that a castle?" Ellaine asked?

"Yes, we call it the snake's lair, this is where Mr. Chen is hiding the whole time." Hayley responded

"But how did you get it?" Richard asked.

"Well before we lost contact with the team we sent on the cargo, they were able to send us information about Mr. Chen's whereabouts."

"Nica, nicole..." Richard whispered.

"I know and I feel sorry for your loss but this is the best that we can do for them, let's not put this to waste. Rescue your so called Abigail and most of all kill Mr. Chen and here is how."

"There are four towers in each corner, these contain anti air guns and RADAR guided missles but we will be using stealth commanches which are undetectable by RADAR rendering their missiles useless."

"Are you sure about the RADAR guided missiles? What about heat seeking?" Claire asked.

"Yes there are but we will take care of it before they can even launch one." Hayley said. "As you can see these towers contain launching pads for these missiles but since they are not expecting us hopefully that is. We could strike at burn it out before it burns us.  To do this we won't be coming in from one direction we will be coming in from all directions you are not alone in this mission there are many more and their objective is to hunt down Mr. Chen, now where were we. You will surround or circle the whole island before you tackle this castle but to do this undetected will circle the island a few miles away so that we won't be heard... "

It took a few minutes for Hayley to discuss but after that they were immediately dismissed and boarded the stealth chopper and then proceeded to their mission.

It took them a few hours before they finally got to their target position.

"Alright everyone let's circle up." The lead pilot said on the radio.

the group split up into forming one line until it formed a circle which surrounded the island.

"Let's move." the lead shouted.

The choppers dashed forward.

When the towers were in sight we immediately released the missiles and destroyed the tower with huge explosions and tearing it apart. 

"We got 'em in their heels let's move!" The lead pilot shouted.

Another battle began...

#End of Chapter

My Past is Dead Book III Gone RogueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon