Chapter 9 - Coming out

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Kageyama' POV

I woke around 3 am and rushed to the bathroom to puke, I feel horrible. I went back to bed after about half and hour of throwing up. When i woke in the morning I felt nauseous but nothing was going to keep me away from going to school and seeing by love, I got dressed and began my walk to school. It was only minutes till Hinata showed up to walk with me.\

Hinata's Pov

I spot Kageyama from a distance and run up to him but as i get close i could tell he wasn't feeling well. He looked pale and had dark circles under his eyes and he was shaking a like but i doubt he realized it.

"Hey babe are you feeling okay you look pale."

"Babe?" he asked

"You're my boyfriend so i figured it would be okay to call you that, unless you don't like it?" I kinda felt bad for calling him it now.

"No I like it i Just wasn't expecting it." He gave me a week smile.

"I don't think you should be going to school you really don't look well."

"I wanted to see you, and there's no way in hell i'm missing volleyball practice." I couldn't help but smile at him. I took his hand and we walked to school together in silence but it was a comfortable silence. I didn't think Kageyama was feeling up to talking, he really didn't look well. We got a lot of strange looks when we walked up to school, I'm not really sure why so i just tried to ignore them. Tanaka and Noya ran up to us.

"So you finally confessed your love for eachother!" They yelled. Oh that's why people were looking at us. I nodded and Kageyama just blushed and looked down.

"It's about time" Tanaka stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well I mean it's pretty obvious that you two liked each other, you were the only ones who didn't realize it..... the rest of the team even had bets on how long it would take for you guys to get....WHOAH Kageyama you look terrible.." Noya said. Kageyama just glared at him then looked at me as if asking to leave. I nodded and said goodbye and Kageyama and I walked to class.

As the day went on I could tell he was getting worse and worse, he even bolted out of the classroom at one point, i'm assuming he went to the bathroom to puke. He refused to go home and kept insisting he was fine. I don't know how he expect to get through volleyball practice in his condition.

"Do you want to eat lunch on the roof today?" Kageyama's words surprised me considering he hasn't said a single word since our short conversation this morning. I smiled at him and nodded and he gave me a weak smile back.

Once we got to the roof we sat next to each other against a wall. He only ate a few bites of his food before offering the rest to me. "You really should eat... I'm worried about your health."

"I'm fine, here you eat it" I hesitantly accepted. I continued to eat when I felt Kageyama rest his head on my shoulder. I moved a little closed and he wrapped his arms around me and hid his face in my neck. I smiled and continued to eat.

"Wow babe! This is so good, did you make it your self?" He didn't respond. I moved so i could see his face, he was asleep, he actually fell asleep. I chuckled to myself. I waited as long as i could to wake him up but class was about to start. I kissed him gently and his eyes opened and he smiled into by kiss then kissed me back.. god he is cute. I helped him up and we walked to class. He had his arm around me but it was more for him to keep himself steady and we walked.





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