Make It All Right

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That weekend, Axel was expecting his friends to apologize to Hugo for hurting his feelings. Princes Henry and Miles felt bad that they called Hugo "Shorty" for missing the basketball hoop.

"We're really sorry, Hugo," said Miles.

"Very sorry," added Henry. "We didn't realize how bad we made you feel last week."

"Just because I missed the hoop, it doesn't mean I'm too short to play basketball," Hugo frowned. "The hoop is high enough for you because you're taller, but it's too high for me."

Axel nodded, agreeing with his little brother. Hugo saw how upset Henry and Miles were with themselves, and he just had to forgive them for hurting his feelings.

"It's okay," Hugo smiled. "I know you didn't mean it—just think twice before you go around, calling people names like that."

"Especially those who are younger," Axel added.

Hugo smiled and said, "All is forgiven."

Henry and Miles were relieved that Hugo had forgiven them.

"Well, how about a little basketball—all five of us?" suggested Henry.

But Hugo wasn't too sure.

"Are you sure Sofia and I aren't too short to play?" Hugo frowned.

Miles and Henry could tell that Hugo was distrusting them for what they did last week.

"Aw, you and Sofia can play too," Miles said. "There's no need to be ashamed of your height."

Miles sounded very sincere, and Sofia said, "Alright, we're in."

Sofia and the princes got onto the basketball court and started playing. Axel threw the ball to Hugo, and Hugo threw it. But the basketball hoop was too high for him, and the ball missed the hoop. Hugo and Axel turned to Henry and Miles sharply.

"That was a good try, Hugo," Henry smiled. "Maybe you'll make that shot when you're taller."

Hugo smiled at Henry's remark. Sofia and Hugo were both really happy. Henry, Miles, Amber, Hildegard, and Clio had stopped calling them hurtful names. Now everyone knew that name-calling can really hurt someone's feelings, and they should give each other loveable nicknames.

Sofia was relieved that the princesses had stopped calling her "Grape", and Hugo was really happy that Axel's friends weren't making fun of him for his height.

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