Chapter 6

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"I- I love you too," Ranveer said startled on why she had said that out of a sudden. He decided to ask her when they were eating. 

They quickly finished up cooking and brought the food, two plates and two pairs of fork and spoon to the dining table.

When they had started eating, Ranveer got reminded of the question he wanted to ask Deepika.

"Er Deepu? Why did you suddenly say 'I love you' to me," Ranveer asked ", not that I'm complaining.  But why so suddenly?  Did you have a dream or something?,"

Oh ya. I forgot to ask him about the dream.

"Ranveer? I had a dream and..", she started.


"And it had both of us..", and she began to tell Ranveer about her dream.

After finishing she looked up at Ranveer.

His eyes were opened widely, and his mouth was slightly open.

"Ranveer?," Deepika called out and that brought Ranveer back to reality.

"T-that's exactly how we met..," Ranveer said not believing what just happened.

A smile started to form on Deepika's face.

"I'm getting my memory back, Ranveer!"

Ranveer got up and went to Deepika's chair. He reached out his arms as if saying 'give me a hug'. Deepika stood up and stuffed her face into his chest while her hands were tightly clinging onto Ranveer's back. Ranveer brought up his hand from her hip to her hair and started playing with it. He brought his other hand to her chin and lifted it up so that she would be looking at him. Ranveer saw Deepika's pink cheeks and chuckled. Ranveer gave a soft warm kiss to her forehead. Deepika smiled as she thought,

I love him


Ranveer was sleeping beside Deepika that night. Well technically not sleeping but lying on the bed beside Deepika since he couldn't sleep. He kept turning and twisting hoping he could get some sleep.

He was looking at the calendar on the table when the fact that Christmas was just 2 days away popped into his mind. He had to buy Deepika something. But what? He could buy her something expensive but that wouldn't be personal. He was thinking of a gift that would impress her. But what would she actually want?

Slowly, he drifted into sleep.


Deepika had plans for that day. Since it was a day before Christmas Eve, Deepika had decided to go the mall to buy some gifts for her and Ranveers family members. She woke up that day quite excitedly as the last time they went to the mall, she couldn't even see how the  mall looks like.

She went to shower and then changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. She put on some light makeup and then woke up Ranveer.

Ranveer hesitantly got up but once he heard Deepika's plans he was ready in a flash. The mall was a big place and he knew he could find something that she would like.

Once they reached the mall, they parked the car and went up to the mall.

Deepika spotted a jewelry shop and decided to buy a necklace for her mother. She brought Ranveer along to help her to choose a design. Ranveer saw a extremely beautiful necklace and told Deepika about it. It was one of the most prettiest ones there and Deepika knew her mother would like it so they decided to buy it. After paying the money, Ranveer took the necklace.

Deepika needed to go to the toilet so she told Ranveer about it,"Ranveer? Would you wait here? I need to use the toilet."

He nodded and Deepika headed off to the nearest toilet.

Ranveer was looking around when his eyes laid on a poster. A poster of a man proposing to a women. Ranveer smirked. He now knew what he needed to get Deepika.

He went to the jewelry shop and bought a ring that he thought was pretty. And it was.

Ranveer hid the ring just before Deepika came. They both later went to other shops to see what they have and bought some stuff that they needed.

Finally they had finished their shopping and they had sat down in a restaurant to get some food.

When they finished eating, it was around 2pm. They had alot of time since they had decided to stay till evening.

"Where do you want to go now?," Deepika asked.

"Er, maybe a movie?"

Deepika nodded and they left to the cinema to buy tickets.

When they bought the tickets, they realized the movie was going to start in 20 more minutes.

"Ranveer, what are we going to do now? There is still time before the movie right?"

"Lets just walk around for a bit, okay?"


Both of them were just walking and looking at the things that were being sold. When they reached a dead end and were about to turn around, Ranveer took advantage of the fact the almost no one was around and slightly pushed Deepika to the wall. Deepika just stared into his eyes with pure surprise.

Ranveer closed his eyes and leaned forward until his lip was almost touching her lip.

"Ran-ranve...",Deepika started.

"Shh baby"

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