(In) The End

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  I was supposed to post a message on here about why i have not updated but it didnt post, stupid laptop.

long story short:

broke phone, got new phone, wattpad being a betch and not lettinng me go into account, losst everything, made new account, realized laptop was logged into wattpad account, realized im an idiot.

so basically (holy crap In The End by BVB just came on XD) I dont think ill be using this account anymore. I can really update because my computers a bitch and i tried doing the Email thing and it didnt work. it just sucks because I love this account and I have this book that I wroked hard on. If i had a better computer I would finish and get to 100 parts. but sadly i cannot.

Its not you, its me.

I wanted us to live a happy life but my father-

okay but seriously I love you all, you are baes. thank you to the people who stuck around (u know who you are ;)) if you want more content from me you can always go to my new account:


Again im sorry and i will remain checking on this account but not a lot, just rarely. My books will remain on this account, even the non finished ones. the thing that really makes me sad is the first book i posted on here called:

Infinity Bond

it was the first book i ever posted and it was also written with my BestFriend Kiddens_Are_Life. I might just repost it back on the my new account because it doesnt have much parts but im not sure. Any questions, comments, or concerns just contact me on my new account LostKilljoy_.

thanks everyone, i feel (here come the cheesy part, extra cheesy 4 u guys) that my writing has improved and ive grown out of being scared of writing my opinions and cursing. thank you all my followers.

for you awesome people, here is a joke

Whats in outer space and on earth?


Love all,

(probably for the last time on this account)

Rainbow <3<3<3<3<3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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