The Ending

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Chapter 48

A loud and quick rap at the door woke him instantly from his sleep.  Though sleep had not come easily this night, he had finally been in the depth of it.  He could see that the sun was just coming up, and went quickly to the door.

“Mayor Palador, I am sorry to interrupt you so early this morning, but I’m afraid that I have terribly bad news.”  Roloff motioned Seryen to come in and sit down.  He was only half awake, and wanted a second to recover his faculties before hearing what Seryen had to say.  He was also feeling a bit light headed, getting up so quickly, and his heart was beating rapidly.

After seating themselves on the couch, Roloff asked, “Is everything alright with the boys?  Is something going on with Bastian?"

“I haven’t seen Bastian, since last night, and the boys were all sleeping when I left them.  But, we have been given word this morning of terrible destruction in the city.  They sent a messenger to warn us.  The visitors have destroyed all of the electrical stations and substations throughout the city.  There is no power left, anywhere.”  Roloff sat up straight, and put his hand on his mouth and chin, while shaking his head slightly.

“They have also destroyed the city hall.  Mayor Tinron is dead, as are many other workers there.  I am very sorry to say that this is not all.  They have also destroyed the science center.  Many are dead there, and I know that you have family that works there.  The messenger did not know any of the names of people who have died, other than Mayor Tinron.  I am so sorry to bring you this news this morning.  I know that the town will be frightened, as are the people in the city.  I now have the boys to look after, and I hoped that you could continue to care for the town, as Mayor.  Are you able to, Mayor Palador?”

Roloff was staring out into space.  His heart was beating heavily, and he took several deep breaths and sighed.  “I will get ready, and be in the town center shortly.  Go home to Prianna and your boys.  They are in as much need as anyone, and this is your responsibility now.  Thank you for getting me this report so quickly.”  Both men got up, and as Seryen began to leave Roloff offered him his hand.  He shook it and looked into his eyes.  “You are a great friend.  I thank you deeply for all that you have done for me and my family.  I only hope that I can be of as much assistance to you and your family now.”  He gave Seryen an embrace.  Seryen nodded and walked out the door.

Roloff stood at the door for a moment.  His thoughts turned to Aspiria.  What had become of her?  Who were these people?  He felt anguish for Bellerie, Mayor Tinron, and he worried that more of his family may be lost.  For a few moments he began to feel the depression that so recently had overcome him, begin to enter again into his heart.  The weight that he felt on his shoulders seemed unbearable.  But he remembered his son’s expression from the night before, and he thought again of Aspiria.  He would do what needed to be done.  They were a great strength to him, and he would give everything he had now.  He would not let this, or anything else stop him. 

He walked toward his son’s room, and stopped in the doorway.  Caryell had the sweetest expression on his face.  He remembered, so often, looking in on him with Aspiria by his side.  They would often comment on what an angel he was, sleeping there so peacefully.  He did not want to wake his angel, and bring him up to speed about the world that he now lived in.  Still, he would have to do many things that he did not want to do this day.  This was only the first.  He walked toward his bed and placed his hand lightly on his son’s shoulder.


As he looked on at the two women, he stared directly at Aspiria.  Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Tammy flinch once she had looked over and saw Steve there.  Then he saw Aspiria’s smile fade and her eyes roll up in her head.  She began to fall forward, and in an instant she had slumped forward onto the counter hitting her forehead hard against the counter top.  She lay motionless.

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