twenty one

327 4 0

Jinx's POV

I was now sitting in a chair my ankles and hands tied and mouth still duck taped. I know my body was bruised, everything hurt.

The guys came back still had on masks and stood in front of me. I weakly picked my head up to look at them.

" call em." One said

They called someone and I heard Nate's voice over the phone

" jinx baby where are you?!" He asked frantically

" ah, maloley, we have your girl, we want our revenge for you hurting our friend." One said

" who is this! Don't you dare hurt her I'll fucking kill you!!" Nate screamed

" come to the old warehouse, we are gonna get our revenge." One guy said and he hung up.

I was screamed and crying and thrashing around. All of a sudden I was knocked in the face with a fist.

One guy came over and slipped off my shoes, then my pants, then everything else and tied me back up. I put my head down and prayed for nate to hurry.

Nate's POV

I knew who it was, and he is just mad because Sam didn't get to date jinx, and a while back Sam's old gf fell in love with me and they broke up which devestated him. He went after jinx a while back but once again she fell in love with me.

The person behind all of this was Sam's good friend kenny. He probably had bill and Mike with him. I pressed the gas and sped further down the winding twisting road.

I turned a corner and the ware house came into view. I grabbed my gun and Jack grabbed the one I had under the seat and Madison grabbed the small pistol.

" we go in, be careful, they're dangerous." I said and steppe out.

I opened the big metal doors and walking inside. There was a big light shining right on jinx. She was completely naked and bruises and marks covered her body.

Behind her stood all 3 of them, they removed the masks and I was right.

" you want your girl we want revenge." He said bending down to jinx and kissing her and she tried pulling away so he slapped her.

" get away holland, now!" I screamed.

" do you have what we want?" He asked

A while back we also made a bet, I lost and had to pay kenny and his boys 2grand, I pulled the duffle bag out and threw it at him. Bill and Mike walked over and started to count it.

" we had quite fun with your lovely girl." Kenny said smirking.

" step away from her." I said holding the gun up.

" but why, she is so lovely." He said kissing her neck and rubbing her area and she started to cry.

" that's all of it boss." Mike said throwing it at him.

" untie her." Kenny said walking away.

She was untied and pushed to the floor, I ran to her and put her frail body in my lap.

" nate... t-they did bad things... i-im scared." She shivered in fear crying and clutching as tight as she could onto my body.

Now it's time to get my revenge.


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