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You woke up to the smell of pancakes. You knew that it was Sam that must be making pancakes because you read the time and figured that Dean would not be awake yet. You slip your white, fluffy slippers on and headed down to the kitchen, where you saw Sam sat on the table waiting for you with pancakes spread across the table and orange juice, don't forget the fruit, Sam loves being healthy, you on the other hand, nah. "Morning Y/N, how did you sleep?" he asked cheerfully. " Not great Sammy, I was throwing up most of the night." you respond, whilst trying not to throw up again. He looked at you in Y/E/C eyes, trying to figure out if you are okay. You try to act as though you can't tell he is looking at you, you finish your pancakes and orange juice and head up the stairs to wake Dean.

You run into Dean's room, throwing yourself onto his bed. Dean instantly wakes up, looking at you with his flirty smirk that he always looks at you with. "Morning baby!" you cheer. "urgh, why are you so happy, it's like 9:00am" he says chuckling. He leans into towards you, pecking your soft pale lips. He starts kiss your mouth more sexually. You could feel your vomit on the verge of escape your body. You let go of Dean and run to the bathroom, slamming the door behind you before throwing up all over the toilet. "Hey Y/N, is everything okay?" He shouts. "No, not really." you respond. You open the bathroom door then walk over to the sink, grabbing your toothbrush and toothpaste proceeding to brush your teeth. Dean leans against the doorway, staring at you as if he was concerned about you. as you finished brushing your teeth and start to walk out of the door, when you start to think. "Oh shit!" you run to the sink cabinet looking at your pill box, you notice that you have been forgetting to take it due to stress from the hunts you're taking part in. " Y/N, have you been taking it?" Dean asks as if he was worried. You were silent for almost a minute. " When was my last period" you asked yourself, not having a clue when it was. Just before you are about to open your mouth to reply to dean when there it was, your vomit, running up your throat into your mouth. You run to the toilet just in time for it to leave your mouth. Dean just stands there for a minute, before walking over to pull your hair out of the way, he starts to rub your back in a way to comfort you. "Come on, get ready and we will go to the store to get a test." You get up off of your knees and head into your bedroom.

You grab your plaid shirt and button it half way up your stomach, just so your red lace bralette is visible. you then threw on your ripped blue jeans and a pair of converse. You start to brush your hair gently. When you were finished getting ready, you heading towards the impala where Dean was stood there nervously. You were about 10 minutes away from the store. You looked at Dean, thinking about whether you should bring up the Sam and you situation. "Dean..." you say nervously. He stares at you, then focuses back on the road. "Yeah?" he responds. " You know, if I am, you know, 'pregnant', you may not be the only possible fath-" "Y/N, stop!" he cuts you off."I get it. You were fooling around with Sam also." he says angrily. Bringing up this situation, started a heated argument between you both and you hated arguing with Dean. "It's not just my fault, if you told me how you actually felt about me, this wouldn't of happened. but no, you decided to just keep hooking up with me and hope I would magically figure it out." you screamed. You were starting to get very upset about the situation.Dean looked at you and his eyes filled up with tears. " You acting as though, I was using you for sex or something?" he screamed back. " probably not far from it." you say with tears rolling down your cheeks. By the time you finished your sentence you where at the store. You pushed the door of the impala open and slammed it shut. " Don't take your hormonal mood out on baby" Dean said cockily. You felt as though you was going to explode with rage. After about 15 minutes you leave the store with three pregnancy tests just to make sure. When you entered the impala, you looked at Dean with disgust and he just responded with a cocky smirk. Throughout the car journey home, it was silent, all that was heard was the engine of the impala.

When you reached the bunker, you ran through the door, barging past Sam, leaving him with a concerned look. You ran straight to your room, and ran straight to your bed bursting in to tears. A few seconds later, you heard a knock at the door " go away Dean!" you shout. " Um, Y/N, It's me" Sam says. You sit up on the edge of the bed, looking up at Sam. Sam glanced at the side of you, noticing the pregnancy tests, that you threw there. " Y/N, are you-" " I don't know yet Sam" you respond. " Wait here" you say, whilst walking towards the toilet, with the pregnancy tests proceeding to do them. " By the way, Dean probably won't be bothering you tonight Y/N, he's gone to a bar a few miles back. You sigh in relief. " thank God, I really can not be dealing with his shit right now" you say, loud enough for Sam to hear. You look down at all three tests on the cabinet to notice that they are showing positive. "Oh my God" you shout. Sam comes running in " so I guess that you are pregnant." You burst into tears " Why is this happening, I don't even know if you or Dean is the father Sam" you begin to cry more, throwing yourself to the floor. Sam approached you, picking you up bridal style. " Y/N, just get some sleep, worry about that tomorrow."

You suddenly wake up hearing footsteps enter your room, you knew exactly who it would be. Dean always entered your room when drunk expecting you both to have sex. He approached your bed, taking off his shoes and coat, then entering under the covers, to immediately cuddle you from behind. " I'm sorry baby." he says. You notice that he isn't smelling off alcohol like usual. "where have you been?" you respond. " I took a drive in baby, to clear my head. I bought you some of your favourite chocolates." he says sweetly. You turn around so that you are facing him. You gently kiss him. After a few seconds he pulls away. " Y/N, I don't care if the baby is mine or Sammy's, I want you to know that I will still be a father figure towards them, because I love you." This is the first time that Dean, yes Dean Winchester has said he loves you. " I love you too, baby" you respond, closing your eyes and heading to sleep.

In the morning, you wake up, take a shower and get ready before Sam or Dean wakes up, and head out to the doctors in the impala, you decided that you want to find out who the father is to your unborn child, you do this by sneaking into sams room and stealing anything with his DNA on it and you proceed to do the same with Deans, ready to take to be examined.but you was happy either way, with whoever was the father because you believe they are both men that you would want around your baby, because they always did a fine job protecting you.

You open the bunker door quietly, hoping that both Dean and Sam where sleeping. But as you figured by the noise of them both arguing playfully, that they weren't. You stand towards the door, for a minute, opening the envelope with the DNA results, reading every word off the piece of paper. you ran towards the study of the bunker, then stood just before both Sam and Dean, running into Deans arms. " You're the father baby!!" you scream. Dean's face lights up with joy, knowing that you can now be a proper family, without the doubts. Sam looked over to you, with a sign of relief, flooding over his face because he knew that if he was the baby's father, Dean would never look at him the same again. He was glad that he could still be close to his brother.

Imagine; You're pregnant, but with who's baby?Where stories live. Discover now