Chapter 1- A bright new day

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6:30 AM, Biatrice's alarm start beeping. She that was on a deep sleep, opens slowly her eyes and tries to reach the alarm's bottom to turn it off, but it seems kinda away. She stretches more her arms, and reach it, but the freezing temperature from the room made her shiver. She quickly placed her arm inside the covers again. First day of school, she whispered to herself. Slowly placed her foot on the floor, and she regretted had to get up. The icy floor, just made her wake up instantly shivering. She putted on a bunny slippers that was under the bed. 

"I need to take a bath..." She murmured to herself. Went to the closet on the end of the room, a closet with posters and stickers of bands on the doors and around it, just like the walls of the room. "Billie, what am I going to dress today?" She asks to the poster of "Green Day" that is on the door of the closet. She passes her hand by the t-shirts, dresses and so on, and scratches her head thinking. She grabs a black t-shirt of Pantera, with a black jeans and white sneakers. "Well, today I'm going like this." She grabbed a towel from the drawer and panties and bra from the drawer above the one from the towels.

With her free hand, she opens the blinds of her window, and it was still dark with a deep fog. She walked out of the room, and open the door of the bathroom that was two doors away from her room. The shelves that was on there, are full of cosmetics and products for personal hygiene. Turned the hot water on, and arranged everything to take a shower. Placed the towel on the sink next to the tub and the clothes over the drawer that is on the front of the sink. 

The bathroom have a lot of space, so she can move freely. Everything is white or blue, just to remind a river or an ocean, a calm mix of colors that can calm whoever is taking a bath. Biatrice on normal days loves to come here, lay on the tub and look to the walls and imagine an underwater life, filled with all those beautiful creatures, and looking up, see the sun by the waves of the water. She could stay there for hours, but her parents always call her to get out of there, because she could get sick.

She putted the water more colder, to an mild temperature, and she took off the pajamas she was wearing, and entered the shower. As she washed the hair, she thought what would be like today, would be like everyday? It's a new year, a new school, new people. The new school was were her best friend choose to go too, and that influenced a little Biatrice's choice. 

The water that kept hitting her body, passing through every single inch of her body, made her feel great. The temperature was just right, and soon a mist was created on the bathroom. She continued to wash her body, and the sound of the water falling to the floor of the tub ceased the noise from outside. She turned the water off, and she could hear noises from downstairs, from the kitchen. Her parents must be awake already, doing breakfast.

She grabbed the towel and started drying her hair and body. Her mother came knock on the door.

"Darling?" She called with a sweet voice

"Yes, mom?" Biatrice answered still drying her body, and putting the towel around her body.

"Breakfast is ready. Come down when you finish." 

"I will in a few minutes." She started dressing the panties and bra.

"Okay, honey." Could be heard her steps going down the stairs, and some talk between her and Biatrice's father. 

Biatrice starts dressing the jeans, which have some scratches on the legs and are tight. She takes the towel off from her head and dresses the t-shirt. She looked to the mirror which was foggy so she passed a towel over it to clean it. She looked beautiful how she was, with her hair still a little wet, her pale face staring deep into the mirror. She grabbed a hydration's cream to put on her face, and slowly rubbed it on her face.

Her phone alarm started ringing, it was 7 AM already. She  turned the alarm off and putted on a colorless lipstick on her soft lips, and went downstairs.

Her father was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper and her mother was still cooking.

"Good morning, darling."Her father said as she entered the kitchen. His name is George. Her father was a really muscled man, with no hair, and a rigid face. He normally is kinda brute to other persons, but very sweet to the ones he loves. On other hand, her mother, Natacha, is sweet to everyone until people betrays her. She is tall, not taller than her husband, that is a beast in terms of height, and she is such a delicate woman. She has the same type of pale skin that Biatrice have, white like the snow.

"Good morning, dad." Biatrice replied as she sat on the table and her mother placed a plate of eggs and bacon, and a cup of orange juice. "Thanks, mom" She thanked to her mother, who smiled and also sat on the table eating an apple.

"So are you excited for your first day at school?" Natacha asked eating a slice of the apple, with a small bite.

"Yes, I am. I hope I meet new cool people at my class." Biatrice replied starting to eating fast. Her father looked at her, and back to the newspaper.

"Of course you will! And if someone troubles you, you tell me." Exclamed George, behind from the newspaper. "You know I resolve that."

"Yes, thank you, dad." She finished eating and stood up. "I'm going to finish to get ready."  

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