Chapter 9

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*Chyna's P.O.V
"Well your hour is up. Miss Robinson, I hope I never see you in here again." Miss Brande said dismissing us. "Trust me. You won't." I said getting up to grab my phone. "See you tomorrow Miss B!" Shawn said before leaving after grabbing his phone. "Its Miss Brande to you Mr. Edwards!" Miss Brande said. Shawn totally ignored and entered the hall. "That boy gives me a headache." Miss Brande mumbled. "Have a good day Miss Brande." She waved to me. Once I entered the hall I ran to catch up with Shawn. I caught up to him when he reached his locker. "Hey you never told me what you were in for."
"Does it really matter?" He asked not even making eye contact with me. "Well no but-"
"Good. Glad we could have this conversation." He said grabbing a motorcycle helmet out of his locker. "Do you always get detention?"
"Just about everyday. Whats it to you?" I guess I wanted to know more about him because he seemed like such a mystery. "Why do you always get in trouble?" I asked as we made it outside. "Is this twenty questions or something? Look I don't have time for this. I have to get home." He crossed the parking lot and got on his Ducatti. Within seconds he sped out of the parking lot. "He gives me a headache." I whispered to myself. "Sorry I caused you to get detention." Kalin said as he approached me. "Leave me alone Kalin." I said walking away from him towards the road. "What are you doing?" He asked trying to follow me. "Walking home." I said walking down the street. Before I knew it Kalin was in his car driving next to me. "C'mon. Don't be like that. Get in the car and we can talk this out." I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. I honestly didn't know how to get home from here. "Fine but I'm only doing this because I don't know how to get home from here." I said opening the car door. We went a few minutes where we didn't talk to each other. I wanted him to know why I was mad but then again I didn't. "So are you going to tell me why you're so mad at me?" Kalin questioned without taking his eyes off the road. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Fine suit yourself." I looked out the window at our surroundings and I knew we weren't anywhere close to my house. "Kalin where are we going? We aren't anywhere near my house."
"We're taking the scenic route." He replied smirking. A few more minutes of driving and Kalin pulled into a parking lot at a restaurant. "Kalin why are we here?" I asked slightly annoyed. "We're supposed to have dinner remember?"
"I'm not hungry." I said bluntly. "Yes you are. C'mon." I was hungry. Starving actually. I just didn't want to be around Kalin right now. I was beyond pissed at him. I got out of the car and walked next to Kalin into the restaurant. "Hi welcome to Denny's. Just two?" The hostess asked. "Yes." Kalin said. "Okay right this way." We followed the hostess to a table in the back. We took our seats across from each other. The hostess handed us our menus. "Can I start you two of with something to drink?" She asked with her writing pad in hand. "I'll take a Sprite." Kalin said with a smile on his face. "I'll have the same." I said plainly. "Okay two sprites coming up." She said before walking away. "She is way too cheery for my liking." I said grabbing my menu. "I think it's because you're in a pissy mood." Kalin said. Is he being for real right now? If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in a pissy mood. I scoffed. "Are you being serious right now? If it wasn't for you flirting with that slut in the hallway I wouldn't be in a pissy mood." I said raising my voice. "So that's why you're mad?" He said laughing. "Its not funny Kalin."
"Chyna I accidentally bumped into her and I was saying sorry."
"Explain why you kissed her on the cheek then."
"I didn't kiss her on the cheek. You must have been seeing things."
"And you're telling the truth?" I asked. I was quite skeptical. "I would never lie to you." Kalin said genuinely. I just looked at my menu. "So do you forgive me?"
"For now... until you do something else to piss me off." He chuckled. "Here are your drinks. Are you guys ready to order?"

We exited the restaurant and I raced Kalin to his car. "Hey that's no fair!" He said trying to catch up with me. "Life isn't fair sweetheart." I replied waiting for him to unlock the car. He unlocked it and we got in. "Sweetheart huh?" He questioned putting the key in the ignition. "Yeah you like it?" I asked putting my seatbelt on. "Well yeah but now I have to think of a cute nickname for you." He said pulling out of the parking lot. "Thats not really necessary." I insisted. "Of course it is. Its only fair."
"Fine then. Give me the best one you can think of." I said looking at him expectantly. "How about baby girl?" He asked. "Very basic but I think that'll do." I said smiling. "Then maybe you can call me papi occasionally." He said smirking. "Not a chance in hell." He gasped. "For one ouch hurtful and two language young lady."
"Bite me."
"I just might have to take you up on that offer." Kalin said licking his lips. I playfully hit his arm.

We came to our street and he stopped the car. "Well here's my stop." I said unbuckling my seat belt. "Yep." I opened the door and exited the vehicle. "Thanks for dinner Kalin. I had a good time."
"Me too. See ya at the house." He winked and then he was off to the house. I waited until he entered the house to start walking to the house. I'm glad that Kalin cleared things up. I really do like him and I wouldn't want something so silly to ruin whatever it is we have. I finally reached my house and as soon as I entered the door Myles and Harmony were nervously pacing the floor. "Oh thank the lord!" Harmony said hugging me. She released me. "Where have you been?!" She said sternly. "Okay mom. If you must know I was hanging out with someone." I said. "We've been trying to get a hold of you. We were worried sick!" Myles said. "Really? I don't remember getting any messages. I took my phone out of my back pocket to realize I never turned my phone back on after detention. "Oh shoot! I must have forgotten to turn it back on after detention." I headed towards the living room to sit down because I was already tired of standing. "Well at least tell us who you were hanging out with." Harmony said sitting next to me. I had to think quickly. "Um Shawn Edwards."
"The Shawn Edwards?!" Harmony asked. Wow she actually bought it? "Yeah?"
"What's so special about him?" Myles asks taking the words right out of my mouth. "For one he's number one bad boy at our school and second he's like hekka rich. His dad is Thomas Edwards. CEO of a really big company. Plus Shawn never hangs out with anyone. He is a really independent person."
"Well he was in detention and we started talking and we hung out for a little bit."
"All I have to say is don't get too involved. We wouldn't want poor Chyna Robinson to end up in jail." She said pinching my cheeks. I pushed her hand away playfully. "Shouldn't you be heading home?" I asked her. "Pushy much? I do actually have to get home. I'll see you guys in the morning." Harmony said before leaving. "Oh by the way you might want to call your dad he's worried now too." Myles said while grabbing the TV remote. "Thanks." I headed up to my room and called my dad right away. "Chyna?! Oh my gosh I'm glad you're okay. You had everyone worried sick." My dad said. "Of course I'm okay dad. I'm a big girl."
"What happened today?" I couldn't lie to my dad it was no use. He somehow knows everything. "Well I got detention for talking in class."
"You got detention for talking in class? That's so unlike you."
"After detention Kalin took me out to dinner and I got side tracked."
"Well okay. Next time let people know where you're going to be."
"I will."
"Okay well goodnight and have a good day at school tomorrow."
"Okay I love you dad."
"I love you too bye."
Merry Christmas everyone!

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