The Prince's Aide

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A screech rang through the room as steel scraped against steel. Eyes met in the dark of the night as the opponents stared at one another. The struggle as the two blades pressed against one another in an attempt to cut into flesh seemed an even match. After a final press in an attempt to break through the defense, the two backed away from one another and assessed the danger of the other.

Hearing the clatter from outside the room, guards hastily opened the door. "Prince Lez, is everything okay?" Multiple eyes spotted the cloaked figure at the same time, and the guards streamed into the room, surrounding the intruder. "Who sent you on your business?" The commander of the troops demanded.

The eyes beneath the hood swept from side to side, examining the situation. Everyone in the room tensed when the cape fluttered, but were caught off guard when a cloud of dust was thrown through the room.

Fabric rustled as the assassin made their way to the window. Once it was in sight however, they paused a moment when they saw a tall outline illuminated by the setting moon. Forging ahead with blade still drawn, they tried once more for a killing strike. It was easily blocked and Lez connected the hilt of his sword to the temple of his opponent. They dropped like a rag. Seeing this, the prince sheathed his sword.

Footsteps sounded through the corridor, whispering seeming to spring up as they passed by. Raising his eyes, he could see Prince Lez through the bars of his cell. It was something he hadn't expected, nonetheless there he was. Other than faint murmurs in the distance between the other prisoners, it was silent. The stares continued with determined green eyes meeting shadowed black.

Finally, the silence was broken. "What is your name, stranger?"

A smirk appeared on the attempted-assassin's face. He remained silent as he continued to stare Lez down.

"Not willing to give any information?" Taking the unresponsive nature as a yes, he spoke again, "is your employer worth being tortured?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, but the prisoner managed to keep his smirk in place. He leaned forward, placing a chained arm on his leg. Not speaking further, the prince turned to leave, but just before he was out of sight one word met his ear.

"Nil," the voice was quiet, but firm. Lez spared only a glance before moving on down the prison corridors.

Time passed slowly for Nil as he sat in his cell. He couldn't move much, chained to the wall as he was. If he had his tools with him it would be easy enough to slip his bonds, but stripped of his tools and forced into standard prison clothes, there was no option in that area. Night fell as he sat there, and he considered attempting to slip the cuffs off before disregarding the notion.

Snores filled the prison now, and Nil supposed he was expected to fall asleep as well, but some feeling kept him awake. The darkness that settled blinded him, but his other senses sharpened in their turn. After another few hours, a soft tap could be heard in the hall outside his cell. He didn't bother to look up even after a pool of light stopped outside his cell door.

"To what end did you attack me for?" The monotone voice with which he spoke seemed forced and awkward, causing another smirk to appear on Nil's face.

"Whenever political parties might change, someone always seeks to make that change to their benefit."

There was an unsettled sigh, "please don't dodge the question so openly."

"Ah, but I didn't, Prince Lez," Nil finally looked up to meed his eyes. "Everyone is aware the king favors your ascension to the throne rather than your elder brother's. The king grows older, and is expected to officially name an heir soon. My employer is among those that would rather your brother take his place as king."

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