Chapter 3: He cooks and cleans?!

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You woke up from your bed. You remembered that Trendy came over. You think... You walked out of your room to be greeted with a clean and organized apartment. Wait... you run back to your room to see even your room is clean! You never cleaned unless you couldn't walk... which was always... In all honesty, you just hated cleaning. You walk to your living room where Trender is asleep on your couch. His sleeves were rolled up and he was wearing an apron. Going to the kitchen, you see that he even made breakfast for you! Or is it lunch...
=> Y/N, check the time. ((Sorry I love homestuckXD))

It's 12:38. You slept for a while. You wonder if it's Saturday but then remember that you left school after the bullies made fun of you. You also remember the feeling that trender
planned something... Oh well. You look back at Trender and see his sleeping face. His feet dangle over the couch and he lightly snores. You decide that since he let you sleep, the least you could do is let him too. After all, he did clean your whole apartment. You grab a plate from the cabinet, which was also organized, and began piling the food on the plate. It was warm, not cold, not hot. He must have made this a little while ago. You began eating and your eyes pop wide open. It was delicious! He also made (favorite food)! You loved the taste and how it danced in your mouth.

You stuffed yourself full. You probably just gained 2-3 pounds after how much you ate. You decide to watch YouTube while waiting for Trender to wake up. You put a blanket over him because your heating was broken... You then sit down in your favorite chair and watch YouTube for about an hour or so.

*2 hours later* ((I would say this is a spongebob reference but I don't watch sponge Bob... I've just seen it on vine. Lols))

Trenders pov:
You sit up from a nice nap. There is a very soft blanket on you. The apartment is still very clean. You look to see (y/n) watching YouTube intently with headphones in, as if not to wake you. You grab your glasses. She is very pretty when she is focused. You wonder what she is watching..

=> Trenderman: get her attention.

You get her attention by waving your hand in her face. She snaps out of her cellphone indulged trance.

(Y/n)s pov

Trenderman waves his hand in your face. You look up. He smiles at you and text "heeeey. how'd ya sleep?"

before I continue the story I just want to say, trender is mute in human form. Because I imagine when someone in the slender family talks, they echo. He doesn't want to scare you so he made his human form mute. If I ever write "Trendy says" I mean that he types it. I got lots of comments being confused on that so I just wanted to clear that up. I'm sorry I accidentally made it confusing. But know you know! Back to the story xP.

"Pretty good" you say. He seems content in this. "Did you clean my apartment?" You ask. He nods smiling and says "I couldn't help but see how messy it was. So... I thought I would clean it for you. I'm sorry.." he then looks down like a child who was sent to the time out corner. "No no! Thank you! I needed to clean it anyway.." you said. A thankful and happy smile plastered on your face. He smiles with hope. He then reminds you that he said he would make today all about you and he would pay for anything you wanted. You feel kinda bad but he really wants to do this it seems. You tell him that you would like to go to the movies or to a game stop. Maybe just to the mall. He nods and opens the door out for you. The day is looking up!

Sorry this took so long. I had to reread the story so I knew where to start from. About the a/n I made, ignore it for now. I will tell you guys when I need help. But I think I have some ideas. Thank you for your support. Merry Christmas!!

The Fashion of Love (Trenderman x Reader) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now