And there goes my happieness

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    I start out by walking down the street. To day is one of the last days of July. And school starts in a couple of days. I'm greeted by Delia and that boy Jax.  He is staring at me  it makes me feel weird that he he is taking so much time to look at me. Finally I go over and say hi. Really it's Delia that made me go say hi.
       Hi Jax " I say nervously. He replies with "hey how you going?"   How you going who says how  you going. I think to my self before answering with "not to bad. What about you " the conversation carries on and eventually I  stop paying attention to what he is saying   He was a nice person. And I enjoyed talking to him but there was something about him that made me scared   Maybe it was that he was a good foot taller than me and I hand fully extend my beck to give him eye contact
Hat was the downside. Or maybe it was he scars on his face that made me nervous. I don't know. I'm thrown out of my thoughts when he says "well are you up for it.? Up for what. So I just agree and say  "yeah sure ." He then says well when do u want to hang out. ? I reply with "tomorrow  if ur able ". Tomorrow he agreed on tomorrow night at 6 o'clock   I  was hanging out with this person that I'd only talked to 2times. But oh well I guess it's not like I have anything else to do. I tell Delia these are the things theta you tell you friends I guess. I told her that me and Jax were hanging out. She started to he t all jumpy. She asks me very nervously  " what does Jax look like " he's tall has shoulder length black hair and he smells like the back of the dollar store. She then explained that Jax was bad news and that I should stay away from him. But I had already told him that I wanted to hang out with him.  So I said ok. And that was the end I figured that I would do some more investigation tomorrow when I hung out with Jax. Maybe Delia just didn't like him. Jax seemed like a nice person. But you never know.

Its the end.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin