hands up

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The light is almost unreal. The dead of night. Air rushes in and is followed by the sounds of life. Do we dare exit the basement . there's an odd amount of light, too much for night time. Before I exit I realize there's a car head light shining in the living room. Out the basement door is stairs lined with old family pictures. Atop the stairs is the doorway to the living room. To the left of that doorway is the dinner room. Its filled with the smell of cookies and cake. Up on the second floor is me and my brothers room. His room is more.... Colorful. Mine is a black-ish blue. But that was the old way before the bombs dropped. I stuck my head out the door nothing in usual my dad was the first out the pictures all on the floor and broken. A sad way for things to be. We all stand at the bottom of the stairs we begin to clime them at the top we see the light shine through the living room. Dad says with a displeased look on his face what's that light. What the. Men wearing medal armor come from seemingly no where. A patch on there arm a shield with a lighting bolt. Hands up one man takes control. Our hands go up fast. On your neens. We drop to the ground. Check them for weapons. There clean sir A recruit says. They grab us by our arms and pull us through the living room and out the door. My mom screams help help. No reply. They lift us up in to a truck in the front yard. Its barring the same logo as the men. The back of the truck is where we sit. The seat is made of cold medal. The truck starts. Its very loud. And we start our journey throughout the darkest night

Thanks for reading its a week early but who cares be ready for part 3. 15/12/25

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