strike back

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The patrols returned with the body's of the fallen. A new report comes in on the main monitor every morning. I glare at it. Report from the patrol states 4 body's were found. But not my mom and dad. The patrols where ambush in the corn fields. My heart sinks to a new low. I lost them. All I wanted was to give them a grave. And now I won't. I start my training tomorrow I want to strike back and the ones who killed my parents. I want them dead by my hand. I will show them pain.
There are four training courses tech,combat,security and utilities. Each are ten years of training and tomorrow I begin. I will most likely pick combat training. Its the only way to help the cause. Dog tags where taken from the dead. And a slave order was found. They where going to make us slaves thank god the yard dogs came to save us. I still don't know how they found and saved us. No one will talk to me about anything all they don't is say what to do and how to do it. Ugh this is so messed up.

Hey thanks for reading part 6 coming soon. And please remember I'm really new at this so its awesome I have 100 views on this book keep it up guys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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