Ruining Christmas

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Hailey's POV

"Hails. Sweetheart hurry up if not we'll be late" my best friend said. "Ugh Cody don't rush me. Girls need their time you know" I rolled my eyes and continued doing my makeup. The good thing is that Cody doesn't open the door to my room because he would've gotten me in trouble for "caking" my face as he would call it. "Hailey hurry up. I don't care if you need your time... Time for what anyways?" he opened the door. "WTF Hailey!! I told you not to cake your face. Your face needs to breath" Cody yelled lifting an arm.

I was scared, not of Cody yelling and lifting an arm, but of the fact that if he hits me, the makeup would get ruined. Oh who am I kidding. I don't care about the makeup.

"Cody no. Don't." I fell to the floor curling into a ball and protecting my face by blocking it with my hands. I started to burst into tears as I knew that once Cody raised a hand, he would actually hit.

"No babe don't cry" Cody cooed as he held me in his arms. "Cody I'm sorry. I just wanted to look pretty for Christmas" I played with my hair, not bothering to look at him. "Hails you already look beautiful" he placed two fingers underneath my chin, lifting it.

"Cody we're late" I said getting up wiping my tears away. "Go get your keys and I'll take off this makeup. Yea?"
"No don't take it off" he left to get his keys.
"Lets go princess" he grabbed my arm, leading me to his car.

Minutes later we arrived at his friend's house. They didn't know I lived with Cody.

"Guys we are here" Cody said leading me to the living room.

Once in the living room, his friends looked like they had seen a ghost or something. Suddenly one of Cody's friends, Jack, stood up. "What the hell is she doing here?" he spat, disrespectfully pointing at me.
"She will be spending Christmas with us" Cody sat down and patted the spot next to him. "Uh... Cody if they don't want me here I'll just leave" I stood up ready to run out the door. "You're not going anywhere Hailey" he held my hand, causing me to back up instantly.
"No, let her go Cody. She wants to leave I can see it in her eyes" another friend, Frankie said.
"Hails?..." Cody started, waiting for my response.
"They don't like me" I stood up and started walking away.
"Guys? Is Hailey telling the truth??" Cody asked.                                                                                       "Don't waste you time worrying about me, Cody" I said walking out the door. "I'm not worth your time" I shut the door and ran.

I don't know where I'm going, but all I know is that I have to leave his side. Forever.

15 minutes later

I looked around at my surroundings. My spot. This spot has been the one I always go to even if at first I don't know where I'm going. 

"Why? Why do they not like me? What did I ever do to them? God please tell me" I walked closer to the cliff edge.


I heard her say.
"No. I thought you were gone. You were gone for good. The doctors told me!!!" I screamed, pulling on my hair.

They were wrong. I'm NEVER leaving your side. EVER.

"NO GET OUT!!! STOP TALKING TO ME YOU'RE JUST A STUPID VOICE" I banged my head against a tree.

I'm your only friend. You have no one. Not even Cody.

She was right. I have no one.

Jump. It won't hurt anyone because no one will notice.

"Shut up" I walked towards the cliff edge.

"Hailey?..." I heard none other than Cody.

JUMP!!! Jump you stupid b****!!!

"NO. I'M NOT JUMPING. STOP!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" I got away from the edge and ran into Cody's arms. "Cody, she's here" I sobbed. Tears ran down my cheeks like a flooded river.

"Hails she can't hurt you. She is just a voice in your head" he cooed.

Cody's POV

"I'm sorry I ruined Christmas" was all Hailey said before falling to the floor. 


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