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theres your fricking character
so jack meets this guy
his name is hank (he goes by his last name, his first name is dank)
they are besties
until one day
"jack?" hank calls jack
"tf u want m8"
"i think i like you"
"thats it?"
"o ok"
the next day jack comes to hank's house
"hey hank?"
"im sick, my doctor says i have two days to live"
"oh ok lol"
two days later at the hospital
"thank u for being a good fren hank"
"ur welcome jack"
jack starts screaming
"wHATS GOING ON ARE YOU OKAY??" hank yells
something is coming out of jack's mouth
its a minion
"im all better" jack says happily
hank and jack start a life together with the minion as their child
the end

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