First day

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Asia POV

Beep beep
"Ah shut up!" I slammed the small alarm clock against the wall angrily. I could hear it smashing into pieces. Well who cares, I got my phone to wake me as well... "7:30! Oh my goodness I gotta get dressed quick!" I'm always waking late, that stupid alarm!

I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. I took a quick three minute shower and got out the shower towel less, but I live alone so who cares. My cold body does. I wrap the first towel I saw around me and brushed my teeth quickly.

"Dress..." I threw on my underwear and put on my mini polka dot dress with white stockings and black knee high boots. "All set... Ten minutes!" I picked up my purse and locked the door quickly. "Poo I am so dead". I wept to my small car Poo. Yes I'm weird like that.

"One minute late oh goodness". I gasped at the time. Hopefully he'll let it pass since its my first day. Yea right, his eyes alone tells me he is an arrogant man.

"Late on the first day". Snarled the woman from yesterday at the door. "Sorry". I squeaked. She shook her head disapprovingly. "No need to tell me sorry, the boss will take care of your sorry ass for good". She grumbled. I rushed inside the first available elevator and pressed the third floor. I ate the apple I spotted on my way out of house earlier hurriedly while staring at myself in the mirror. "You're a beautiful girl Asia, no matter what everyone else tells you you're a beautiful queen still and will forever be so". I recite my mother's words softly as I looked in my big dark greyish brown eyes. I feel much better whenever I recite these words but not completely though.

The elevator opened. I scurried out with my small purse bouncing on my side every hurried step I took. I knocked on his slightly opened office door gently. Fear flowed throughout my whole body and I gulped. "You're late!" He turned around swiftly. I took that as my cue to go inside. The second his eyes met mine his once angry orbs soften. "Asia, I wasn't speaking to you just so you know". He said apologetically. Wait, aren't I suppose to be apologizing in a situation like this.

"Sorry I am late!"
I turned around quickly to see the woman who spoke. "Very". Said the CEO bitterly. I watched silently as the woman with long silky model like legs and A cup breast probably with short blonde hair sit down on the chair in front of the CEO'S desk. He glared at her as she spoke uncontrollably without even taking a while to catch her breathe. I bet she could live underwater if she wanted to or if we were being invaded by aliens; Me on the other hand would die either way.

"Um Asia can you make us some coffee over there?"
I followed his eyes to the coffee machine beside a fridge in the far left corner of the room. "Yes CEO". I scurried over to the coffee machine and took up two cups from the stack of cups on the counter then filled them one at a time. The coffee is so hot that I began sweating like hell just from the heat coming from the cups. "Here you go..." I could feel his eyes on me as I tried my best not to spill coffee all over them as i placed it in front of them.

Unfortunately though luck wasn't on my side today nor the blonde's. I was just about to move my hand away when my eyes caught sight of the CEO'S chest peeking out from his half buttoned shirt. Hot damn. No like literally hot cause I jumped totally shocked at the sight, knocking down the blonde's cup of coffee directly on her revealing boobs and a little on my hand.

She screamed out in pain and I gasped. And though she screamed and was in much more pain than me, the CEO was quick to hold my hands up and say, "Oh my goodness are you alright Asia!?" I quickly nod. "But she isn't". We both looked at the blonde who was jumping all over making her boobs bounce up and down as she did so and screaming while at it. To think I've only recently watched a video of a girl boob twerking like how she's bouncing her boobs now is sadly hilarious.

"Quick, call the ambulance!" The CEO yelled so that everyone could hear. Before I knew it we were both sitting on hard uncomfortable blue chairs, awaiting information about the blonde whose name I still do not know and probably will never know cause I'm sure to be fired after all of this.


"Yes CEO". I looked up at the CEO nervously. He suddenly dud the most unexpected thing ever, he friggin hugged me. So tight I feel as though this is my punishment for being too clumsy. "Thank you so much, I've been wanting to strangling that woman's fake boobs for years now!" He half shouted. I couldn't help but smile at his rude yet funny comment. "Y-your welcome CEO..." I stuttered. Why did I have to stutter at such a time.

"Please... call me Angus not CEO,when you say it it gets on my nerve".

"Um... okay... An--- CEO". I blushed totally embarrassed. I can't even get his name out. Uh, I am such a dork! He stared at me with disbelief and admiration. "I'll let you off cause you're cute---"

"Mr. Devlion?" The doctor interrupted him midway. He seemed irritated but turned away from me and smiled up at the doctor.
"Yes". He stood up and followed the doctor to a corner far away for me to even hear mumbles. Its not like am gonna shout everything they say out on our company building.

Minutes later the CEO came back with an evil smirk pressed across his handsome face. "Let's go pup". He walked ahead of me, immediately I followed after him. "What'd he say?" I asked with concern. "That they're gonna have to flatten her fake boobs. I requested it over returning her normal breast". He chuckled wickedly as we walked to his car. Wow, I've got the cruelest boss ever. Wonder what that blonde did to him that he hates her so much?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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