Chapter 4

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6 weeks later Rhett's ribs are healed, there's still some bruising but the pain is gone. The cut on his cheek left a faint scar. Rhett went back work, and since Christmas is coming up in about two weeks, the store's been busy with people buying gifts. Raeven's been around a lot, she even got a job at the store where Rhett works so she can stay close to him. Rhett has finally accepted her as a friend. She's developed feelings for him, but doesn't know how to tell him. Rhett too has feelings for Raeven, but feels it might just be because of her help over Gray's death that is making him feel this way. Rhett still lives in Gray's apartment and Raeven moved in with him to help pay the rent. Rhett really isn't doing any better, emotionally anyway, his depression got worse when Gray died and dealing with it has proven to be very difficult. He still cries at night and Raeven comforts him as much as possible. He's stopped self harming though, Raeven disposed of his lighters and razors to prevent another relapse. Raeven hopes desperately that the Christmas season will put Rhett in a better mood.

They're currently at the cemetery visiting Gray's grave. It's become a bit of a routine for them to do so. "I miss him, Rae." Rhett says quietly, sniffling a little, "this will be my first Christmas without him." Raeven reaches out to take his hand, looking at him for approval before actually touching. He nods and she grasps his hand giving it a reassuring squeeze, "It'll be alright. We'll come back here on Christmas and never leave if that's what you want. You won't have to be without him." "Thanks, Rae." He says. "We have to get to work soon." Raeven notifies. Rhett nods, "Just a few more minutes? Then we'll go." Raeven nods, "Alright. Do you want me to go wait by the gate?" "Please." Rhett whispers. She gives his hand a comforting squeeze before walking back to the front gate. Rhett just stands there in silence, he can't think of anything to say. He just needs to be alone with his brother for a little bit. Rhett checks the clock on his phone, he has to leave now or they'll be late for work. He sighs, "I guess I'll see you later, big brother." Rhett makes his way to Raeven and they walk to the music store.

The day goes by quickly, and the duo soon find themselves at home. Rhett is lying on the couch, when Raeven enters the room. She sighs and walks over to him, holding out her hands, "Come on, you're done moping around and being sad, besides this place needs some Christmas spirit." Rhett just stays where he is, making no effort to move. "Fine I'll just have fun without you." Raeven says going over to the stereo and hooking up Rhett's phone and playing Punk Goes Christmas. She starts dancing around, digging through boxes Rhett managed to not notice, and hanging things around the room. Rhett smiles a little, Raven is an awful dancer, but maybe she's doing that on purpose. She glances over her shoulder at him, and he stops smiling, pretending to not be interested. This goes on for a few minutes before Rhett finally gets up and joins her. He spins her around and they dance together, he's already wearing a Santa hat but Raeven puts a string of tinsel around Rhett's neck like a scarf, while she has a pair of reindeer antlers on her head. They continue like this for hours just, dancing and singing along to the songs as they decorate the apartment for Christmas. Raeven glances at Rhett, who's decorating the tree she found, and smiles because this is the first time since she's met him that he's had a real smile on his face.

They take a break from decorating to make gingerbread cookies. They're in the kitchen laughing and having fun when all of a sudden, Raeven blows flour in Rhett's face, laughing even harder at the sight of him. Rhett slowly nods, "So that's how it's gonna be huh?" He smiles mischievously, and cracks an egg over her head. Now the war has begun. They throw everything at their disposal at each other, making the biggest mess. The food fight eventually comes to an end and they're sitting against the cabinets on the floor, still giggling. The timer for the cookies they already put into the oven before the food fight sounded and Raeven gets up to take them out. Rhett gets up and gets the icing bags out of the fridge, handing one to Raeven, before starting the process of embellishing the cookies.

The two collapse on the couch exhausted. They just spent the last hour and a half cleaning up the remains of their food fight. All is quiet for a minute until Rhett says, "Thank you, Raeven, I really needed that." "You're welcome." Raeven says, "I'm tired, so I'm gonna go to sleep." "Same." Rhett says getting up off the couch and walking to his room. "Do you need me to stay with you?" Raeven asks. Rhett shakes his head, "Not tonight." Raeven nods, a little disappointed. She liked being there for Rhett. Don't misunderstand, she's glad that he's finally becoming happier, she just likes feeling like he needs her, "Just holler if you need me." Rhett nods and goes into his room. She makes her way to her room and falls asleep as soon as she lays down.

They arrive at the store early the next morning, due to the Christmas rush they've been opening the store earlier. They go to the break room to get something for breakfast. Rhett takes a blueberry muffin off a plate. Raeven turns to him, "We should get out there." Rhett nods and holds the door open for Raeven. She stops. "You okay, Rae?" Rhett asks. Raeven points to above the doorway, "Mistletoe." Rhett blushes, "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to." "Well, what if I do want to?" Raeven asks, awkwardly, stepping closer to him. He looks at her, "Then you should." Raeven moves closer to him, "Are you sure?" She asks as she places her hands on his shoulders. Rhett nods. Raven smiles, before standing up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kisses her back and the kiss continues for another minute or two. Raeven pulls back, grinning, "I really like you, Rhett." "I really like you too." He admits. Raeven smiles. Rhett smiles back and clears his throat, "Come on, we gotta get to work."

"Hey what do you want to do for Christmas?" Rhett asks, sitting down on the couch next to Raeven. "I don't know." Raeven replies, "what's there to do around here?" "We could go ice-skating or go look at Christmas lights or stay inside and watch movies." Rhett suggests. "How about all three?" Raeven wonders. "Okay, all the above it is." Rhett agrees. "Speaking of Christmas, what do you want?" Raeven asks. "Nothing." Rhett answers. "What?! Come on everyone wants something." Raven says. "I don't." Rhett says. "I'm still getting you something." Raeven states. "Alright, what do you want?" Rhett asks. "Teach me to play an instrument." Raeven says. "What?" Rhett asks. "You heard me." Raeven says. "Uh, um," Rhett stutters, "O-okay, I guess I can do that." "Yay!" Raeven exclaims, "Why don't you play very often?" "I don't have any instruments here, I had to leave them all at my parents when I left and when Gray and I went back for them they were destroyed and I can't afford to buy more." Rhett explains. "Your parents destroyed your stuff?" Raeven asks. "Yeah, they always hated the noise from when I played, so I guess they did that as an official 'screw you' towards me." Rhett says. "That's awful." Raeven says. Rhett shrugs, "It's not the worst thing they've done." She opens her arms to hug him, waiting for approval. Rhett wraps his arms around her accepting the hug. "I hate what they've done to you." Raeven whispers, rubbing his back softly. Rhett just nods in response. She rests her head on Rhett's shoulder and falls asleep. Rhett looks down at her, feeling her arms loosen from around him, seeing she's asleep he picks her up carefully and carries her to her room, tucking her in and kissing her head before making his way to his own room.

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