Chapter 6

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New Years is quickly approaching, and Rhett finds himself becoming better each day he spends with Raeven; as if she was the cure to whatever strange disease he has. His feelings for Raeven are becoming stronger and he's not sure how much longer he can go without confessing them to her. Don't get me wrong, he's tried, but every time he does he gets choked up and ends up saying something else completely. Rhett is determined to find the perfect moment, before New Years, to tell Raeven how he feels.

"Hey, Rae." Rhett greets as he walks into the kitchen where Raeven is cooking, "what's for dinner?" He hops up on one of the bar stools at the counter and rests his head on his elbows, watching her move about the place gathering various ingredients. "Extra spicy chicken vindaloo." Raeven replies. Rhett smiles, that's his favourite. He really loves her cooking, so he has no doubt it'll be amazing. He's never been one to get many home cooked meals, even when he lived with Gray, they mostly ordered take-out. "Anything I can do to help?" he asks. Rhett always tries to help out as much as he can, one because he loves learning new things, and two because he doesn't want Raeven to feel like she does everything around the apartment. "Always." She responds, "Come dice these up, please." Rhett solutes her, "Yes ma'am." He leaves his perch and comes to stand next to her while chopping the vegetables as asked. Rhett wonders if it'll always be like this between the two of them, because he can see a magnificent future for the both of them. Distracted by his thoughts he doesn't realize how close his finger is to the knife, until it's sliced open and bleeding. "Oh my god!" Raeven exclaims upon seeing the blood. She drags him over to the sink and runs his hand under some water before rushing to get the first aid kit. She comes back and assesses the damage done to Rhett's finger, before happily realizing he doesn't need stitches, just a band-aid. "You've gotta be more careful, Rhett, you could've seriously hurt yourself." "I know, I'm sorry, I just got distracted and didn't realize how close I got until it was too late." Rhett explains. "Just be more careful next time." Raeven advises, before kissing his finger, "Just to make it feel better." She smiles shyly before turning back to the food, "If you still wanna help, I can give you a less dangerous task." Rhett nods, "Please." "Get out a pan and start heating up the oil, then hand me the processor." Raeven instructs. "As you wish."

Rhett moans, "Rae this is amazing! Definitely the best I've ever had." He compliments as they eat the meal they just cooked. "I'm glad you like it." Raeven says. "Not like, love." Rhett states. Kinda like how you feel towards her. His thoughts couldn't help but point out. Shut up. He argues with himself. "What?" Raeven asks. His eyes widen in terror as he realizes he said that last thought out loud. "I- I didn't mean you. I was... I was talking to myself." He stutters out. "Well why were you telling yourself to shut up?" Raeven inquires. "No reason, just thinking." Rhett excuses. "You sure?" Raeven asks, "You know you can talk to me if you need to." "I'm fine, Rae, promise." Rhett says, "Just thinking about something I'm not quite ready to admit." To her or yourself?

A week has gone by and Rhett is still no closer to telling Raeven how he feels and his deadline is in three days. He's currently in his bathroom rehearsing his speech in the mirror like a loser. Dangit, Rhett, it's not that hard, just tell her 'Raeven, you know I like you and I'm ready to start a relationship.' His thoughts tells him. "But it is." He argues, "I gotta find the right moment." That's stupid and you know it, you're just making excuses! Just man up and tell her! "Fine! Just shut up!" Rhett sighs loudly. "Rhett I'm home!" Raeven calls. Here's your chance. Take it! Rhett goes into the living room to see what Raeven's doing, "Hey, Rae, can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up Rhett?" She asks from behind a mountain of grocery bags. "Uhh. Do you want some help with those?" Rhett asks, mentally kicking himself for chickening out again. Raeven laughs, "That'd be nice." He takes a few bags from her and follows her to the kitchen. They put everything in its designated area. Raeven turns to Rhett, "So what did you really want to ask me?" Rhett freezes, "Pft I don't know what you're talking about, I just wanted to help with the groceries." "Mmhm, sure." Raeven says, crossing her arms, "I know you, Rhett, now what's really on your mind." "I'll tell you later." He promises. How much later? Raeven sighs, "Alright, I won't push you to talk but you better open to me soon."

It's New Year's Eve and Rhett still hasn't told Raeven that he wants to be in a relationship. Tonight they're going to a New Year's Eve party at work, he'll have to do it by then.

"Come on, Rhett, it's time to go!" Raeven calls from the apartment door. "Do we have to?" Rhett asks, following her out. Even though he's happier now, he's still a major introvert and hates being around people. "Yes, now stop complaining and come on." Raeven takes his hand and practically drags him to the store. Once at the party, Rhett never leaves the snack table unless Raeven drags him somewhere else. He spends most of his time at the party thinking of a way to tell Raeven what he needs to say, he only has an hour left now.

Soon the hour is up and everyone is up on the roof of the building waiting to countdown. Now's the time, Rhett. Rhett takes a deep breath. Okay here goes nothing. "Hey, Rae, can I talk to you?" "Sure, Rhett, what's up?" She asks. "Uhm, I uh, I've been trying to tell you this for a while but, uhm..." Rhett stutters trailing off. "What is it, Rhett?" Raeven asks. In the background everyone starts counting down 10...9...8... "I like you, Rae, you know that, and I'm ready to start a relationship if you still want to." Rhett spits out. 7...6....5... "Are you sure?" Raeven asks. 4...3....2... "110%." Rhett says, right as the countdown finishes. She smiles and kisses him, as fireworks explode all around them, "Then I'd love to be your girlfriend, Rhett." Rhett grins so wide his face starts to hurt, but he doesn't care, for the first time in a looooooong while, he's actually happy.

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