My Signature

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I used my lunch period to study the new kid, Jake, I’d learned his name to be. People found him funny, and apparently he was going to be as popular here as he was at his last school, with cheerleaders hanging off his arm, and doing football with the jocks.

As I leaned against my dark blue locker in a crowded hallway, I reflected on his behavior earlier.

He made fun of teachers, cracked jokes that were actually almost funny, laid back on rules, a pretend suck up to all teachers, and acutely aware to his surroundings.

I learned that he moved in from Pismo, which he said was a beach on the coast of California, and found our Florida air to be overbearingly humid. He moved because his dad got promoted to CFO –Chief Financial Officer- in his company, but had to come to the company’s head office to accept the job.

The other football players were also talking about his ‘sweet’ bike, which happened to a black 2010 Kawasaki Ninja with enhanced performance levels he added himself.

I leaned against the locker with one foot pressed up against it and my head ducked down looking –or pretending to look at- the floor, with my hood on and head phones in my ears, though with my iPod turned off, there was no music flowing through them.

He was laughing with Derek and Jackson, also known as captain and co-captain of the Varsity football and basketball teams, about  something ‘Dr.’ D had done while I was putting the eggs in Mrs. Crabb’s car.

Jake slammed his locker, 3492, shut and walked down the hall with Derek and Jackson to their fifth period class. A few minutes later and the halls were completely empty, everyone in class before the final bell.

“Ten minutes and counting.” I mumbled to myself, and pushed off the my locker, strutting down to 3492. There’s a ten minutes interval where no teacher let’s students go to the bathroom because they just had break, and when Prinz, more commonly known as Principle McLullen, would leave for his lunch break.

A quick pick of a lock, and I had my eyes on the personal belongings of one Jake Masters. All in all, there was a chemistry book, a pre-calculus book, a few school information flyers in the blue school colors, and a photograph of him and an older woman -most likely a mother, due to the similar features of strong cheek bones, and dirty blonde hair- smiling at the camera while doing a side-hug with a field behind them.

I was hoping there’d be some form of black-mail, but with only having a few hours to put things in his locker I suppose I shouldn’t have hoped for much.

Without looking I reached into my backpack and pulled out my can of spray on glue, and the plastic baggy of pink feathers. In just a few moments the entire locker looked like something out of a princess-crazed six-year-old girl’s room, but I wasn’t quite finished……… “It’s missing something.”

After a few moments of staring I decided that it needed my signature.

Normally reserved for something extraordinary, like painting the school gym in bright green and red for Christmas, or installing a hidden camera in Prinz’s office and posting the results on YouTube, my bright, sickly-red lipstick was always in my bag in case of emergencies such as this.

I lathered on a thick layer, closed the locker –quitely- and pressed my lips to the filthy locker, leaving the perfect kiss mark to be found.

Now everyone will know I pranked the new kid, and the new kid will know who really rules this school.

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