Chapter | 16 |

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Chapter | 16 |

   "She's in pain... I can feel it" I muttered as my body was heating up. "They're hurting her?" Daniel said tensely as I looked out the car window with my fists clenched.

He sighed leaning back looking out the window and I closed my eyes hearing her whimpers echo.

'I'm coming kitten. I'm so close'

My phone rang making me sigh, I went in my pocket taking it out seeing Evan's name. "Evan" I answered

"Are you in London already?"

"We landed about an hour ago. We're on our way to the Crescent pack" I said looking out the window. "That was fast-"

"Why are you calling me?"

"Just for an update. Plus I talked to Dr. Reynolds wife about that dream you told me about. She said it could be Jordyn sending you a vision of where she's located" he said

"I kinda figured. I'll ask Alpha Caine about the area I saw. Maybe he knows about it or that tree" I said thinking about the tree with the twisted and bent trunk.

"I hope so. Find her fast Mason"

"Trust me. I will" I said and hung up, I looked at Daniel as he sat there silently staring out the window whispering to himself quietly.

I looked out my window trying to listen but couldn't hear anything.

"We'll find her Mariah" I heard him whisper making me look down.


His mate... Jordyn's mother.

I sighed leaning back closing my eyes feeling my body heating up again.

I looked around the dark forest blinking away the blurriness and looked up seeing the same tree.

I stared at it frowning and heard voices echoing around the woods. "You honestly think I'm going to follow this bullshit?" I heard a voice snap.


"You must" I heard a older woman speak, I followed the voices as Jordyn snapped at the woman. "I'm not mating with no demon! I'm not having a demons baby!" I heard Jordyn say making me freeze.


"You won't win" the woman said smugly, "then I will die trying!" Jordyn snapped, I ran through the woods following the voices and ran up seeing the field where that same Mansion was.

I looked towards the back seeing someone walking, "jordyn" I whispered as she walked in the mansion angrily. Her brown hair flowing behind her as the wind grew stronger.

"I need to get out of here... I need to get to Mason" I heard her say.

'I'm coming! Just wait for me' I said

'He's coming within a month. They're going to make me mate with him-'


'A demon. He's a demon hybrid and they want me to have a baby with him'

'That won't happen. I won't let that happen'

'Please' she whimpered.

'I'm coming kitten' I whispered...

   My eyes snapped open and I looked around quickly seeing we were in the car. I sighed deeply running my fingers through my hair looking out the window. "We need to act fast... Find her within a a few weeks"

"I doubt we'd find her that fast Mason-"

"Well we need to try. I won't let them force her to do that" I muttered making him frown. "Force her to do what?" He asked

"I think Jordyn is getting in contact with me through what's left of our bond. I've been having dreams about a certain location... She tells me that the council is going to force her to mate with some demon hybrid to have his kid.... That he'll be here within a month"

"Shit" he muttered as I stared out the window. "How can you be sure that it's her communicating with you? What if it's a witch?"

"I know it's her" I whispered looking out the window making him sigh. "We need to work fast" I mumbled and he nodded wiping his face.

  "Alpha Mason. Glad to finally meet the craziest alpha in person" Alpha Caine grinned shaking my hand.

"Alpha Caine" I nodded at him with a blank expression, "this is my mate Dakota" he said pulling a woman by his side. She looked at me nervously and smiled, "Hi" she said and I nodded.

"This is Daniel. My mates father" I said motioning to Daniel standing next to me, he nodded at them and Caine sighed.

"I'm sorry about your mate. I'll help with anything if you need it" he said pulling his mate closer by his side. "Thank you" I nodded, "why don't you two get some rest? It must've been a long way from America" Dakota said smiling softly.

"I think that's best" Daniel said looking at me and I sighed nodding, "fine" I said and they motioned me to come inside. I looked up at the sky looking at the moon and sighed walking in the house with a clenched jaw.

'Help me find her, Goddess'

  I looked up hearing a knock on my door, "I brought up some food for you" Dakota said peeking in, "thank you" I said as she walked in holding a tray, "I also gave Daniel some" she said putting it on the table.

I looked down at my book holding my pen, "Caine told me about your mate. I'm so sorry-"

"Stop talking as if she's dead... She's not dead" I mumbled staring at the paper of my drawing. "I didn't mean it like that-"

"Well it sounded like it" I mumbled making her sigh, "my apologies. Please eat" she said motioning me to the tray of food. "Do you know of this tree?" I asked looking at it, she walked to me looking down at my drawing.

"That's the tree of the gods" she said looking at it making me look at her. "There's a story behind that tree, that the gods planted that so they can be able to come to this realm" she said sitting next to me looking at the drawing.

"So it's like a gate?"

"More like an extra doorway I guess you can say. A lot of people go there to talk to the gods or make sacrifices" she said making me tense.

"Do people mate there?"

"Yes. If they're having fertility problems, they make a sacrifice to the goddess and then they mate there" she said making me sigh looking out the window. "Do you know where it's located?"

"I don't. But I know an elder. He knows" she said smiling making me look at her, "Caine's great grandfather is still alive. I'll talk to Caine and see if we can talk to him. He doesn't really like strangers around him so maybe I'll ask him for you" she said and I nodded.

"Please eat. I'll go ask Caine now" she said standing up touching my shoulder. She smiled softly walking out the room and I looked out the window looking at the moon.

"Please goddess" I whispered looking down at the drawing of the tree... Please....

Moon of His Life (sequel to His Possession)Where stories live. Discover now