Baking Day

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(Your Pov)

Today Lloyd and I decided to spend the day making a cake. Not just any cake though, were are going to make a candy cake. Since Lloyd and I love candy so much, we decided that this cake would work well for us.

We had to make the cake at nine because that's when Lloyd finishes his training and I woke up at eight, so in that time frame from eight to nine. I decided to get everything prepared from putting out the ingredients and the tools/utensils we need to use.

We already had the candy we needed to make the cake since Lloyd and I both had a huge stash of candy. Getting prepared didn't take that long, it only took about thirty minutes to find the right stuff to use.

I waited for about forty minutes before Lloyd showed up and that's when we started.

Lloyd decided to get the batter ready and I decided to get the candy ready.

Lloyd and I decided on chocolate cake so he put the cake box mix into the bowl and he put the other needed ingredients in the bowl. We both decided to make a one tier cake. Me on the other hand, I was getting a lot of Kit Kats and M&M to put on the top and the side of the cake.

This was going smoothly so far, Lloyd had manage to put the cake in the oven and I had manage to get all the candy that was needed. We had to wait about twenty-five minutes for the cake to bake. So in this time period Lloyd and I decided to eat the rest of the candy we didn't use and decided to mess around a little bit. Lets just say that their was a bunch of cake mix everywhere.

Once the twenty-five minutes were over, Lloyd decided to take the cake out of the oven. Then we had to wait about ten to fifteen minutes for the cake to cool before we can add frosting. In this time period Lloyd decided to clean up while I make the chocolate frosting and when the cake cooled for a little bit, Lloyd trimmed a little bit off the top. This took about 15 min.

Once we were done with both of our jobs we both frosted the cake. During this process Lloyd thought it would be funny to put some frosting on my hair, but it wasn't so I put some on his hair.

After that process we put the kit kats on the outside making a wall and in the middle or inside the wall we put about 6 bags of M&M, we did have more bags but we ate them. Once done with that we placed it on the table then we both got cleaned up before eating the cake.

~ 20 Min Later ~

We both went back to the kitchen to eat our cake, but when we got back got back to the kitchen, it was missing, and the only person that would steal our cake is....

"COLE!!." Lloyd and I said in unison before running off to find our cake culprit.

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