A Day of Love

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Yes, I know that this is late, but Wattpad deleted this chapter and other chapters that I made, but its okay. Thank you guys for being patient with me.

Yes this is a Valentines Day Special.


This was not edited .


"Love in the little things."


(Your Pov)

"I don't know what I should get him bf/N, this is so complicated." I sighed.

Should I get him some comic books, candy, or something else? I ask my Best friend.

"Truly I dont care, this is why being alone is better than dating anybody, you dont have to worry about stuff like this." He or She say said duly.

"Watch, your gonna one day find someone and your going to ask me this, and guess what? I'm not going to help you since you never wanted to help me." I say duly.

"Whatever, just do whatever you wanna do, its your boyfriend not mine." Then he or she hung up on me.

Okay then, I guess that I will have to do this on my own, this shouldn't be hard at all. Lloyd likes comic books and candy, so I should just get him some and that's all. However, its nine at night, a day before Valentines Day, and I didn't really think about buying him anything till Skylor mentioned something about her buying Kai something for Valentines Day.

I got off my bed and went to my closet to get a sweater and some shoes to put on. I then grabbed my money and stuffed it in my pocket.

I figured that Lloyd was in the living room with the other ninjas, so being that courageous person that I am, I decided to sneak out the window so that Lloyd and the rest of the ninja wouldn't question where I was going.

I opened the window, the cold air hitting my face. I put one foot out the window and then the other one, then I jumped out landing onto the hard ground. I started jogging to Walmart first.

Twenty minutes later, I was almost there. I never thought walking to Walmart would be this damn far, but I do always take a car to it anyways, so that must be the reason why.

As I was in my deep thought, a hand pulled me in.

"He baby dollll, how about we go have some fun." He slurred.

I could smell the stench of alcohol on him. "How about no." I then kicked him in the balls. Causing him to double over and let me go.

"You should of not done that sweetie." He then grabbed my arm and punched me in the face.

I heard a crack, that mother f*ker broke my nose. "Did anyone ever tell you not to touch a lady?" I then tried to punch him back. But before I could punch him, he stabbed me in the arm with a knife. I collapsed due to the pain.

"You mother F*ker!" I yelled at him. "Your not going to get away with this!"

"But I already did." He then pushed me down and straddled me. "Dont make this difficult as it already is." I could practically hear him smirking through his voice.

My vision was getting cloudy. "You'll pay for this." Is all that I could say before I was welcomed to the darkness, but before I was welcomed into it, I felt the guy get pulled off of me. That's all I remember before the darkness welcomed me.


My eyes slowly opened , my vison started to focus on the objects around me. My arm hurt like a B*itch and it was sewed up. I started to look around the room. However, the thing that got my attention the most was something holding my hand. I turned towards that object.

I see that Lloyd is right next to me sitting on a chair holding my hand. His eyes staring at mine.

"Mints! I am so glad that you are okay." He says with a smile. "I got you something." Is all he says before pulling out a giant teddy bear, a limited edition Batman comic book, and a huge bag of candy, handing all of it to me.

"Omg Lloyd! I love you so much, thank you for all of this." I say with a smile before hugging him. "I didn't get you anything though." I say with a sad look.

"I dont need any gift from you because you are the best gift that I got, and btw if you were going to buy me something for Valentines day, dont go at nine at night to get me something, but if you do take someone with you." He says looking at my eyes.

"Wait, How did you figure that out?" I ask him.

"Not revealing my secret." He says with a smirk.

"Whatever." Is all I could say before kissing him.


This ending seemed crappy to me, but idk :P

Thanks you guys for reading, please vote and follow.

Love You all, Bye.


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