Chapter Four

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*Warning : Smut*

Zayn's POV:

Waking up this morning and remembering last nights events. Did I really get a blowjob from Harry? Did he really do that? Did I want him to? What will Liam think. Oh my God Liam, what would he think about me if he ever found out about his boss giving me a blowjob and me being more than willing. It's not like we had sex but, do I even want to have sex with Harry. I mean he's hot as fuck, and I knew when I saw that mouth it be capable of good things but sex. Would that be going to far sex with my brothers boss. Do I even have real feelings for Harry or is it just my 'teenage hormones' as Liam would put it.

Liam was the one who gave me "The Talk." Our parents died when I was about 16 and Liam was 18, they were traveling for a work trip together they happened to be having their work trip in the same country, but there was a strom on the was back and the plane had already left by the time the storm noitce got out, and the plane got sucked into the storm and they died. Liam and I found out it was our parents a day after. So at 18 Liam had to legally adopt me. And we were fine financial wise because Liam was already working for Mr.Styles.

Sitting up in my bed, stretching my arms above my head, turning my head to look around my room. Seeing everything is the same still. I uncover my bottom half that had the blanket over myself and make my way to the door to head downstairs. In my head saying I'll make my bed later.

Walking down the stairs, I get the faint smell of waffles. Entering the kitchen I see Harry eating at the table with two waffles with what looks like butter on them, on his plate with a side of four strawberries. In the middle of the table there is a bigger plate with about five more waffles on it. beside it is a bowl of cut strawberries. I said good moring to Harry and take the seat across for him.

"Gooding morning Zayn. Sleep well." He asks with a knowing smirk.

"Moring and yes I had a devine sleep. You? " I ask in a mocking tone. I took a plate and put two waffles on it and pour what I thought was chocolate sauce on top with a side of two cut strawberries.

"Perfect." He replied.

After a few moments of silence and quick glances at each other I spoke up.

"Why'd you give be a blowjob"

"I felt the need to"


"If you in any way feel violated don't hesitate to say so, you're younger than me and I shouldn't have done what I did. Glad to say what's done is done. I don't regret it"

"No. It was fine, I enjoyed it. I just wondered why."

It be came silent again I was about to break it again when Harry did.

"Zayn, would you like to go to the mall with me, I need to get some things and you can use an outing"

"Sure let me go take a shower and change and I'll be ready."


I finished eating, excused myself than and upstairs. I walked to the bathroom stripping my self down, turned the water on. When I thought it was just right I got in. I used the coconut and lime scented body wash and rubbed it on my self. After if finished soaping up I rinsed off, put my towel around my hips and walked into my room to get dressed.


I finished getting dressed, wearing a plain yellow V-neck with black skinny jeans. I walked out my room to go downstairs.

I went to the front door to put on my white converse. I hear Harry come down the stairs. After I finished tying my laces I look up to see Harry wearing grey caro shorts with white T-shirt that said "Think You Can Ride?" He walks over and puts on his black converse with a smirk on his face knowing a read his shirt. He looked like a normal guy.

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