Chapter 2: The Dream

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I hope you liked the little cliff hanger just leave me some comments to know what you think beside my grammatical skills.


It was finally time to board the plane. We took our seats in first class because Riley can't stand having less than the best. "She always runs my dad out of everything money, patience, and even understanding, she has twisted his mind so much I don't think he remembers who he was with my mom. I will never know what he sees in her," I thought to myself. My dad and I got along great before she came around we would never fight or argue like most teenagers do with their parents. We understood each other, but now since Riley came around it seems as if she has brain washed him, he hasn't been the same since mom died, but she furthered the change from what he could've recovered from...too to far gone. Riley took the window seat as my dad took the middle and I took the inside. She always loved heights I never knew why, she says she feels like she's in a different dimension when she is flying. "I can't wait to be rid of her. I want to move out I can't stand her, I know she butters up to my dad to get money and such but what does she get from trying to be nice to me?" I sat wonderingly. I am only a pawn in her game to catch the king. I am dispensable. I am irrelevant. "Riley, why did you and dad decide for us to take a trip to Romania for my birthday?" I asked. No one responded. Dad and Riley were so caught up in each other that, once again, I no longer existed. She got what she wanted, we were on our way to Romania, but why?

Dad and Riley were talking, so I put in my headset and started blasting Black Parade by My Chemical Romance to block them out. Deep in my thoughts I wondered, "Am I just that much of a burden, did you just not want me, or am I the screw up that ruined your lives?" I can't take this, I was working myself up thinking about my biological parents. I'm just going to forget about it and go to sleep. I rested my head against the uncomfortable wall of the plane which felt as cold as the Arctic, and was as hard and unforgiving as a concrete prison cell. I watched the tv screens that were built into the headrests of the seats in front of the previous seats. I watched "The Vampire Diaries" while listening to my music and, eventually, succumbed to sleep.

"The demons that rise now shall fall, under the earth from wince the came," was all I heard coming from two or three people cloaked in black robes. I tried to see who they were but they started running, and as I followed I seen drops of some dark liquid. I didn't realize what it was until the scent of blood hit me...enveloped me. My instincts took over and I no longer had to try and watch for where the robbed "unknowns" were going. I continued following the trail where I seen a knife with a handle that was wrapped in gold and held a red ruby that sat perched at the top similar to my necklace. The blade is fine metal which had some encryption on it that felt somewhat familiar but it was written in a different language. The blade was stained with crimson, and when I picked it up I noticed I was standing in a circle. The blade was dripping with blood and then someone stepped in front of me. My heart was racing. I don't know what is going on but it feels like I have been here before, like I was meant for this. The robbed mystery man was taller and more broadly built felt familiar, but the hood covered his face. I was frozen. While I couldn't move, the others circled up around the circle of blood that stained the floor. Once the circle was complete the robbed figure started to pull of his hood. Something was definitely familiar about this figure, something dark, and familiar, yet alluring, and dangerous.

"Helen wake up were here!" Riley squealed.

I woke up and I decided not to tell Dad about my dream. It's probably just my nerves about being somewhere where I didn't want to be. This was the farthest away I have been from home. I really enjoyed the rocky coasts of California, the warm sun, and the millions of people scattered everywhere. Even the variety of people I learned to appreciate even though I didn't associate with many other people I did appreciate the variety and acknowledge their uniqueness. I'm not the type of person to voluntarily come to Romania with its gray clouds and constant cool temperatures. We walked off the plane and out of the airport. Romania was nothing like I have ever seen before. It was a colorless town filled with tall castle like buildings that were gray, and looked like Dracula would live in. Everything here were just different shades of gray the only things that weren't gray were the signs to stores and bars, which even the windows seemed to be tinted black.

"Helen your father and I are going to the hotel, so you can go explore Romania," Riley said. She handed me five hundred dollars and a card which had a cab number on it with the name of the hotel scribbled in her chicken scratch of writing on the back. Riley added, "And Helen check in often okay, we wouldn't want anything to happen to you."They hailed the first cab they seen, and took off leaving me to fend for myself in a different country for my first time and day, in the county, and not to mention that I didn't want to be here in the first place.

"Okay I will thanks Riley.... Sorry mom," I said as the cab pulled out and passed me with Riley smiling her pleasant cheerful way, and my dad sitting solemnly in the cab like he has lost the will to live. She will never be my mom. She was a controlling freak that wants to run my dad dry, and also wants to get me out of his life. She knows I may actually get her away from the only one that  may actually care about her. I was daddy's little princess, and now I am trash barely even acknowledged to have good morning said to me in my own house.

With no idea where to go or what to do I started off, walking down the road. There weren't many people around on the road, and that was odd to me. I'm used to many people and being crowded all the time, nope not here, here you had all the space in the world. It was quite and the air felt heavy. While I was walking down the road I saw a flyer that was black and red it had "The Annual Festival" tonight in the town square. I thought it was at least an idea for something to do so I decided to check it out. I started heading toward the town square and I noticed I was getting closer because I saw more and more of these flyers on the telephone poles and on the ground that were either blown off or tore down. I also started hearing the music that was playing getting louder as I moved forward. I saw many people heading towards this one building with a couple red spotlights making the building look blood colored. I was about three blocks away from the festival when a guy came charging at me from the woods covering the right side of the road. I was knocked back a good five to six feet and it felt like I was just tackled by a NFL player. I laid there in the middle of the road with this man that looked about his late twenties early thirties pinning me down, who smelled staunchly of alcohol. He was only slightly bigger than me, so I couldn't comprehend how he knocked me back so far. His one hand was covering my mouth so I couldn't scream while the other had both of my wrists in it so I couldn't move. Then a car turned down this road and stopped about ten feet behind us... "Oh, god can this day get any worse," I thought to myself. I'm just helplessly being pinned down by a man with one hand while the other muffles my attempted screams in a different country. My pocket knife fell out of my boot, when I got tackled, and was now just out of reach and now someone's coming down the road to witness this and probably won't even be any help at all. "It doesn't even matter if I scream no one would hear it over the music at the festival if I tried."Happy birthday to me," I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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