Chapter 1: Family Plans

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I'm just saying right now I'm not the best at writing or grammar so I'd greatly appreciate not being put down. I hope you enjoy the story. Thanks for reading!!!!!


"Wow! After eighteen years you think I'd at least get a birthday card. Oh well, who needs them, I've been fine with my new family." I lied to myself as I was lying on my bed, through a deep sigh. "It's not a surprise they haven't been around in like, forever," I thought to myself as I stared up at the ceiling. I only wanted to spend one minute, in peace, thinking about the life that I could've had. "I wish I knew who they were and why they left the...necklace."I touched the necklace, that I refused to take off, which is my only connection to my biological parents. The necklace is a deep ruby, with a hexagonal cut, that falls heavily on top of my collarbone. It is old and looks like it came out  of the Victorian era with all of its intricate swirling embroidery of the setting for the stone. The stone's no longer crisp edges are now dulled and scuffed, and the rusted chain no longer has the ability to remain closed. Now, the stone rests on a new silver chain because the old rusted copper one it came on broke years ago. "I wish I knew why they didn't want anything to do with me, but they leave me with this necklace," I pondered. I was searching through the recesses of my mind for a possible reason, for something, anything, any possible reason why my parents want nothing to do with me. My adoptive parents, Sarah and Ryan Holten, we're the kindest people and loved me, wholeheartedly.

I walked over to the mirror, looked at my reflection, and compared it to the picture I had of my adoptive parents, sitting on my dresser. I am really dumbfounded how long it took me to realize that I didn't look anything like them. I am grateful that they raised me, and that I had a great life, but I can't quell my thoughts of how my life would've been different with my biological parents. I saw my straight black hair with my dyed red tips, my deep, ocean-blue eyes, and my small stature body, compared to my parents. I am a whopping five foot three inches, and about 130 pounds soaking wet. It took me until I was ten to realize that I looked nothing like my parents. It was like I was seeing myself for the first time, or that I was lost in a thick fog all my life that finally cleared. My parents were both tall, and my mom had light brown, curly hair, and my dad's hair was a sickly red. My mom died later that year, and that is when my father, well Ryan, told me about my adoption. It was the typically tale of a child left on the door step with a cryptically ominous note and some memento from a past that will never be experienced. I pulled out the letter that was tucked away, in the original box that my parents left me with. It said, "the future depends on you... I am so sorry we couldn't keep you." Signed your parents. "P.S. You'll understand one day. I hope you can forgive us..." My parents gave me this letter on my 16th birthday and I still can't figure out what they meant by it.

"Helen honey," Riley interrupted, as she called from the bottom of the staircase. "Yeah," I replied pissed that my thoughts were interrupted. In the meantime, Riley climbed the spiral staircase, and made her way to my room in her loud, clicking heels. I looked up and saw this blown up barbie doll standing in front of me. She mimicked Barbie perfectly with her dyed blonde hair and all her designer outfits down to her vast supply of designer shoes. She even got plastic surgery and Botox that makes her look like she's constantly surprised, and I don't think it hides the fact that she's about fifty, I thought to myself. She changed so much compared to when she was the nanny. Riley had unruly, brown hair and she was warm and nice when she didn't have much money. Now, being she became my father's wife, she became a completely different person. I hate that she tries to appear perfect where she is nowhere close. "You're father and I have decided to take a trip, this summer, to Romania for your birthday," she said with that high, squeaky voice that I so much abhor, I think her new voice was a result from the nose job she had done about two weeks prior. Her peppy tone and enthusiasm just annoyed me more. She's been with Ryan for seven years now and I still can't completely forgive Ryan for allowing her to move in so soon after mom's death. Riley only cares for herself and only really snuggles up to me to get something out of my dad, I wonder what it is this time, I thought.

"Wow ... Ughhh... Riley... I don't even know what to say, " I said trying not to sound completely uninterested. "Please, Helen we went over this I know we do not see eye to eye, but call me mom... Okay?" She spouted with a mock tone of endearment. "Yes, Ril..eee uhhh mooom." "Good, now, Helen you might want to start packing we are leaving this week," Riley said. "Why are we going to Romania? It's not that big of a deal I mean I am only turning..." She cut me off and switched from a peppy cheerleader to a bitter dictator that expects unquestioning obedience, "You are going no ifs, ands, or buts about it. This is bigger than you even know," she snapped. Now start packing you need to make sure you will have everything you need for the whole summer," she said slamming the door following her exit. I swear it's like walking on eggshells around her. I am so happy I am almost 18. I can leave and get my own place, be myself, and maybe even try to find my biological parents. Even if they don't want me maybe I can still try to find out what they meant by that letter.

"Gahhhh.... This is why I hate her so much, she thinks she can control me," I fumed. I wish my mom was still here it's been about eight years since she died, and my dad still won't talk to me about her, or even tell me how she died. If I wasn't at that boarding school, through Riley's recommendation, I might add, I would've been home with her.  I wish I could remember her, but she has been gone so long I can't remember what she looks like without a picture.  I grabbed four of the largest suit cases that we had, and started to pack. They were all black with an engraving of a pentacle on each of them with some ancient encryption used to protect people from evil on it... I think. The pentacle had a rose in the center, while the circle surrounding it was made of the thorny stem. The thorny spikes were most prominent at the five points of the pentagram and each connected to a different gem with each a different color. My mom was used to have many things with pentacles on it, but Riley made sure everything of hers left when she did, like she was completely erasing her from ever existing. I managed to get to these cases before Riley got her hands on them. I started packing my clothes, but everything I owned were clothes for sunny California not damp, depressing Romania.

The week flew by so fast. I guess it was the constant fighting, between me and Riley about this trip, which my dad tried so hard to keep us at ease. I tried to avoid bringing the trip up around him it looked like he was sad about taking this trip. He always loved taking trips especially being it's a place where him and my mom got married, but something is different. It doesn't feel like a hesitation because  of being somewhere that is connected to a late significant other, this more feels like being on your death bed and knowing there is nothing you could do about it.  This trip will be a bittersweet one. He gets to revisit a place of his lost love. This is going to be a horrible trip, I thought to myself. "Something doesn't feel right," I thought. I'm not use to going on trips unless we drive, but being I'm turning eighteen within the week and Riley is trying to drive my dad back to a place where there is a strong reminder of my mom, I didn't want him to go through that alone. I mean our relationship has become very rocky once Riley got involved with my dad, but he still raised me.

Before  knew it Saturday came, so we had our new butler, who replaced Riley, help us load up our car. We got in our little black hearse and started off driving down the endlessly deserted road. "I swear you two are trying to kill me," I muttered under my breath as I was staring out the window. Then I caught out of the corner of my eye Riley looking at my dad with a 1000 watt smile. It wasn't until my eleventh birthday that my dad told me about her, as his girlfriend, and now she is "part of the family". I wondered what he saw in her? She was nice, but now a hateful gold-digging witch, and she doesn't have many real body parts left after all of her surgeries. She seemed fake through and through. I was looking out my window again when there it was, that dreadful sign, Beacon airport. We unloaded our car and took our seats in the airport. Our flight is in three hours. "Great my summer's over before it even begins!" Riley again gives my dad another grin. "What's going on?" I thought to myself.

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