Neko Eren part 3 (Also the final part)

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EDIT 3: Hello my darlings! CupcakeQueen here~ Here is edit 3 of part 3. I didn't change much, but there is a few dialogue changes and spelling and grammer changes. I didn't even change the title or the Author Notes. So that is all for this one! I am on a roll, I might finish Neko Eren tonight. Hope you like, bye for now lovelies!




Alright so I will just get straight to it as my author's note pretty much said everything. So I guess only a disclaimer is needed. So....

Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan, its story line or characters. I am simply borrowing them for pleasure. (Okay, that sounded dirty...) I only own this plot and idea. So without farther a due, I give you Neko Eren part 3! Also I think I can make this the last part. So please enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Eren wipes his mouth with his napkin, as he finishes eating. It has been hours since Hanji had turned him into half cat creature and he still was well half cat. Eren, to be honest, had no problem with the ears and the tail was fun to play with when bored, but he knew be couldn't go out in public like this. He would he would be laughing stock and if the horse-face found out...Eren shivers. No, let's not go there.

"Oi, Eren are you cold?" Eren turns to the other in the room. He sat at his desk drinking tea. He had finished his dinner before Eren and had gone for some tea. Eren shakes his head.

"No, just a bad thought."

"About?" He asks, sipping his tea, holding his cup that weird way he does. Why did he do it like that?

"About what everyone, especially Jean, would do if they saw me like this." Levi nods and looks out his window.

"Do you not like it?" Eren looks at his corporal.


"Your ears and tail. Do you not like them?" Eren decided not to lie.

"I have no hatred towards them. And I don't hate Hanji either, for giving them to me. Why do you ask, Corporal?"

"No reason."

"Oh, okay." Since he had nothing else to say or do, he lays back down on his pallet, his back facing towards Levi. He hoped his ears and tail went away soon. He didn't know how long he could be in the same room with this man. This man that he had fallen in love with. When did Eren fall in love with his corporal? He had no idea. But he knew it wasn't right. But still, he had. Eren shivers, this time because he was cold.

"Oi, Eren." He turns over to see Levi standing over him.


"I have decided not to let you sleep on the floor. You could get sick. Come on, I have a couch in my room." Eren gulps. The Corporal's room. Eren gets up, grabbing his pillow and blanket and follows Levi to the door that Eren had originally had thought was a closet. Levi opens it and walks into the adjoining room. Eren looks around Levi's room. It was a plain room with fresh clean sheets and a spotless floor. A deep green colored couch was pressed against the wall. Levi points to it.

"It is quite comfortable." Eren nods and walks over to the couch.

"Do you have sleep wear?" Eren nods.

"In my cell. Should I-"

"No, stay here. I will get them."

"Okay..." Levi walks out of the bedroom and out of the office. Eren sits on the couch and waits. He just didn't know how to act around Levi. This was his corporal. His superior. He buries his face in his hands. Also the one he loves.

Neko ErenWhere stories live. Discover now