My love (Princeton Love Story)

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"My love,

Its not a toy,

So don't play with it.

My love,

Is precious,

So cherish it.

My love,

It can pick the wrong person,

But it always feels like the right time.

My love,

Its yours,

Don't lose it,

Don't break it,

Don't play it,

My love is your love.

Your happiness is my happiness. "

These words write them selves as my pen flies across the page, in my old leather journal. For a second I was the only person alive. This always happens when I write, no matter what it is about. Yeah, I may not be the best writer, but I love expressing myself. Especially with thing I hate, but always feel and want; Love.

I wake up the next morning with a pen stuck to my cheek. I must've fallen asleep while writing again. I do that alot. But I can't help not writing my thoughts and emotions down in this journal.

I write alot about my crush. He's almost like a boyfriend, but yet I can't call him mine. Some nights we talk to each other all night long and say nothing while at school.

There is just something about him that makes me want to be with him forever.

"KAT JAI DAHLIA! You're going to be late for school!" My mom yells up the stairs.

"I'm getting up Ma!!" I yell back.

I get up and walk to the restroom. I do my normal hygiene routine. When I'm done I walk back to my room.

I start brushing my long hair. I stop when I hear my phone vibrate. It's my bestfriend Symone.

"Heeeyy gurrl" I say laughing.

"Hey boo. I'm down the street" she replies laughing hysterically.

"Symone, it's not that funny." I say as serious as I possibly can.

"Oh shut up! Always killing my vibe! Just hurry your butt up!"

"Okay, Kendrick Lamar." I say laughing once more before hanging up.

I run to my closet and pick out some blue denim jeans, a peach colored tank top, a gray button up with white polka dots, and my peach with white polka dots Vans. I quickly get dressed and grab my bag. I run downstairs and grab an orange.

"Bye Ma!!" I yell not knowing where she is.

"Bye Kat!" She yells back.

I walk out the front door and head to where me and Symone meet every morning.

Symone is already there sitting on a bench. She's on here phone, probably texting her boyfriend, Chresanto.

"Really Symone?" I ask pushing her legs off the bench.

"What!?" She asks genuinely confused.

"Nevermind. Let's just start walking." I say as she stands up.

"So did you and him talk last night?" Symone asks nudging me with her elbow.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say trying to lie as best as I could. I look and Symone and I could tell it wasn't working.

"Really Kat? Then I guess I'll ask Jacob myself!" She smirks and starts skipping away from me.

"No! Wait!" She stops and I run up to where she was standing.

"That's what I thought!" She says as does her evil laugh.

I laugh and say "Shut up!"

"So what did you guys talk about?" She ask curiously.

"Nothing really, he just told me how someday, someday soon, he'll ask me out." I say smiling.

"You call that nothing!?!? That's a really big step in your guy's relationship!" She blurts out after she took a pause to think.

"It's not that big of a deal" I lie. It's a huge deal. I think I'm in love with this guy. Him asking me out will be amazing!

"Not a big-" she gets cut off by someone hugging her from behind.

"Hi, Baby" the deep voice says from behind. It's Chresanto. Ew.

"Goodmorning BooBear." She replies. She turns around to face him and than says "Hi Jacob." I turn around to look and him. I hope he doesn't see me blushing.

"Hi Symone." he says and then pauses and looks at me "Goodmorning beautiful" Wait. Is he talking to me? I look around at everyone and they are all staring at me.

"Oh.. Goodmorning Jacob..." Gosh I'm sooo awkward! What is wrong with me!?

His lips look so plump. His brown eyes are so beautiful. His hair! It looks so soft. Like I just want to run my fingers through his afro.

"Earth to Kat!" I hear someone shout.

"What? Yes?" I say coming back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Jacob asks smiling.

"I'm perfectly fine. I just zoned out... sorry. So what were you saying?" I answer trying to play it off.

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