The bully's victim was named Abigail
Abigail died 11:02pm on the 11th of November
Her body was found by her mother at 9:05am on the 12th of November
Abigail mother felt so much hurt and remorse she blamed it on herself
What Abigail's mother didn't know is that abigail felt she deserved the pain and suffering
10 days after the incident and the school still didn't know - until they called her house
Her mother was still in pain, with thick tears old and new running down her cheeks
Her eyes were swollen, her throat chocked up, her heart aching
She told them, they themselves were as shocked and saddened as the mother
Bully was wondering where his little punching bag was, so much so he started to worry
What had happened? Where was she?
The students sat in the big hall waiting for the sentence that would change everything
They announced Abigail's death - everyone was guilty, they never stopped nor helped her
But no one felt as guilty as Bully
He ran out, he couldn't handle it
He could feel his stomach burn
He could hear his heart beat thumping, he could feel the blood flowing through his veins
He got to abigail's locker and his whole world broke and shattered into tiny pieces
He never got to say sorry and how much he regretted it
He never got to see her beautiful smile light up her face
He never got to hear her sweet laugh and see how her eye's light up in pure happiness
But most importantly
He never got to tell her how much he loved her
It was all his fault