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"Granger!" Draco hissed. He reached out and grabbed her sleeve. She turned sharply and whipped out her wand. When she saw his blond hair glowing from the shadows, she sighed and stowed her wand, almost regrettably.

"Malfoy. A snake in the shadows," She spat, "What do you want?"

"Just get in here and shut up," he pulled her into the broom closet with him. She didn't struggle, but she did huff, which made her flyaway hair float up before coming to rest right where it had been. She crossed her arms and stared at him, and he did the same.

"What do you want?" She repeated, her eyes sparking.

"Look. I don't want to do this anymore than you do-"

"Oh, I'm sure. That's why you dragged me in here, because you didn't want to do this," she interrupted sharply.

"- but after what happened last week-"

"Last week never happened, Malfoy. Never." Now her eyes were darker than usual. 

"Would you just listen? That big brain of yours, can't you tell how terrified I-" he stopped himself before he admitted it.

"Terrified? You? Of what? Of me? Oh, this is rich..." She smirked.

"No. I didn't say that. Granger. Just let me speak." He rubbed his neck.

"I... For a while, I- not just last week, but that was just-... " he stammered, "I mean, it was- what I've been-"

Hermione stared at his shoes in the hopes that her wouldn't see the burning red on her face. She knew exactly what he meant, and although he couldn't articulate it, she knew she couldn't either.

"You know what, I can't do this. Just-just go." He tried to turn away from her, but in the limited confines of the broom closet, the best he could do without touching her was move his head.

"No. I'm not going anywhere. Not until we figure this out." She surprised herself with that, but it was nothing compared to Draco.

"Okay. Well, okay. Now... What now?" He rubbed the back of his neck again. Hermione noticed the little smile that played on his lips, and she felt something in her. Like someone had lit a match in her heart.

"Now... We talk, I think. I don't know." She stared at his shoes again. A very fine leather, they were.

"Don't know? Granger doesn't know?" He smirked.

"Hey! I'm trying to be mature here. You know we need to do this. Might as well make it as painless as possible." She scuffed her shoe on the stone floor and accidentally kicked him in the shin.

"Painless, huh?" He grunted, "Good one. You're ruthless, Granger."

"I'm sorry, okay? We have to talk now, or I'll be late for Ancient Runes." She huffed.

"Okay, okay... Okay, feelings. What do I know about feelings?" He scratched his blond head, mussing his hair.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't have them at all," she snapped sarcastically. She knew instantly that she regretted saying it.

He inhaled sharply, "Me either."

"Oh," she whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's how my father wanted me to be."

"Well, that doesn't mean I can't be sorry," she said firmly.

"Same old Granger," he sunk to the floor and tilted his head back until it was rested against the wall. He patted the floor next to him.

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