"Are you ready to dance?" Jonghyun adds with a smirk.
"Dance? Why?" I question and Taemin comes over to explain.
"Your a good dancer so we got you a job as a back up dancer" My mouth drops open as i look at the other members, wondering whose idea this all was.
"I've never even had a dance lesson before, how am i supposed to be a dancer?" I question
"You've never had a lesson?" Onew asks and I shrug my shoulders.
"I never really needed them"
"I'll teach you to dance" Taemin says,
"And I'll try help, if you want?" Onew adds and I nod, grinning.
"Well, you have a concert coming up, so you should start teaching her the dances today" their manager says and leave the room. Taemin spends the day teaching me, with Onew helping but also tripping over a few times, making everyone laugh. The mood was light and free, with us all having fun and dancing.
We are packing up, getting ready to leave when Taemin speaks up.
"Lets go out!" He suggests
"Shopping!" Key adds and the members groan.
"What's wrong with shopping?" I whisper to whoever was next to me at the time.
"It's not the shopping, its the fact Key goes through nearly every shop we pass" Onew explains and I nod a little, showing I understand. The others leave the studio and Key pouts, not getting his way.
"Hey Key, I'll go shopping with you" I say and walk to stand next to him.
"Really??" He asks quickly, smiling when I nod. He drags me out, following the others.
"Why does Key look so happy?" Jonghyun says, his voice mockingly worried.
"I said I would go shopping with him" I answer, not seeing the problem.
"Are you going right now?" He asks and before i can answer Key cuts in
"Yea, We'll see you later" and he pulls me away from the group and towards the mall.
Taemin and the other members excluding Key arrive at the car and Onew looks around.
"Where's Lillie gone to?" He asks and Jonghyun smirks.
"She ran off with Key" He joked and Onew looks towards the mall.
"C'mon Hyung, let's go" Jonghyun pulls Onew into the van and they head for the dorm.

Dance Like There's Nobody Watching {Discontinued}
ФанфикDiscontinued as I have lost interest in trying to improve this story! Thank you for your interest and support through all those years I had been writing for kpop!