true happiness (yoongi angst/fluff)

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a/n: so i want to write some ideas i had and i decided to do a yoongi angst (which ends up all good bc i cant control myself) i apologise for the lack of capital letters because im a lazy little shit.
oh btw im not that good in angst so i wanna practice writing it more :-)

"yoongi? are you coming home for dinner?" you tentatively asked into the phone as you ladled his favourite mushroom soup into bowls. "yeah just give me another ten minutes. see you babe." yoongi promised and you smiled before saying bye. you put down the phone and continued to set the utensils.

half an hour later, you sat at the table alone, looking worriedly at your phone every few seconds.

forty five minutes later, you sighed before resting your head on the table. fifteen more minutes, you thought to yourself.

an hour later, you decided to eat by yourself. you quickly finished the food you set out for yourself and placed the bowls in the sink after you were done. you retreated back into your shared bedroom with yoongi, sniffling as uncontrollable tears streamed down your face. you fell asleep, curled up in blankets and breathing in yoongi's scent from his hoodie you stole.

around 3 am, yoongi stumbled in the front door, and looked at the bowls of food lying cold on the table. he sighed before carefully making his way to the bedroom. he saw you, curled up in the blankets and felt his heart break slightly.

he knew this wasn't the first time you fell asleep alone and he was sick of it. sick of how you suffered every single time. just as he was about to leave the room and sleep on the couch, you turned and caught sight of him. "oh. you're home." you stated before turning again, your back facing him.

"yeah, i'm sorry. practice ended late and--" "yeah, practice ended late. like it always does." you cut him off, still facing the wall. "i'm an idol. i don't have a choice." yoongi rolled his eyes.

"it doesn't matter anyways, i'm used to it." you mumbled loud enough for yoongi to hear before closing your eyes shut, hoping that yoongi would not retaliate and that sleep came soon. but of course, as Murphy's Law states, nothing goes your way.

"what do you mean 'you're used to it'?" yoongi asked, raising his voice slightly. "i am. and don't raise your voice, its 3 am." you said snarkily, your eyes remaining closed. "why are you being so difficult? you know what you signed up for when you decided to marry me!" yoongi shouted, slamming his hand on the wall in a fit of rage. you flinched.

"yes! i knew what i signed up for but i didn't expect you to not make an effort." you sighed. "this is stupid. just go to bed, it's late and you have a schedule tomorrow." like always, you ended in your mind.

"this argument is not stupid. how am i supposed to know what you want from me if you shut me out all the damn time?!" yoongi shouted again, his eyes flashing with hurt and anger.

you sprang up from the bed and got to your feet, flinging the covers away. "you know why i keep to myself all the time?! it's because of you! you and your damned anger makes me scared! you have no idea how much i really want to tell you i miss you? that i'm so damn lonely all the f*cking time?" you screamed, chest rising. "being the wife of a famous idol is so hard! marrying you has cut me off with my social life, my friends, family. i did that all willingly because i wanted to marry you! because i love you. and now you're saying im difficult? i'm done. i am so tired of keeping my emotions to myself." you finished, feeling all the anger dissipate and turn into hurt. you plopped down, still facing yoongi. tears had formed at your eyes unknowingly and you accidentally blinked, causing a tear to slip out.

yoongi stared transfixed at the tiny tear that slid its way down your cheek. he watched it drop off your face before switching his eyes up to look into your eyes.

for the second time that day, he felt his heart break again. seeing the hurt and the loneliness in your eyes snapped him out of the daze. he quickly walked over to you and brought you up to your feet again, wrapping you in a hug that made you feel whole, safe again. "i'm so so so sorry, baby. i promise, i'll change for you. i will change and be a better person. i won't let you suffer in silence ever again." yoongi promised, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as the tears broke free. yoongi laid you down and held you in bed, all the while swiping tears away from your cheeks with the pad of his thumb.

the two of you fell asleep, wrapped safely and tightly in each others' arms. and for once, in a long long time, you felt truly happy.

oooh this was quite cheesy huehue. but i'm kind of satisfied this is wayy better than what i've written in the past. i hope you like it and please please please request!!!

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