My head, it's where my brain is and all of my thoughts, memories, and knowledge is collected. Some of the thoughts are good and some are bad, just like things in this cruel world we live in. The memories well, they've made me into the person I am today, kind of dark actually. But the memories, ah, the memories.. Some of them are just wonderful, amazing events in my life that I wish to relive. Others however, I wish I could burn them. But I mean that's how life works. You have to have the ups and downs in life or you're pretty dead. There's also knowledge. Knowledge can be power of you use it correctly. It can be a blessing, it can be a curse. Sometimes the more you know about certain things, the more paranoid you become. Ah, I know too much about this cruel world. I've become so paranoid about everyone and everything. Past experiences have also affected the paranoia. Past experiences with betrayal have lead me to have trust issues with people. Like when you think you and someone else are friends and they suddenly turn on you. Been there, done that. My world is slowly falling apart before me. And the stress of everything is making everything harder to try to stop my world from crumbling.
My Head
RandomJust a brief summary of the thoughts going through my head almost on a daily basis //sigh//