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I sat down on my worn down mattress, staring at the dusty window in front of me. How did I end up here? I Never hurt anybody, all anyone has ever done has hurt me. Yet here I am, homeless and barely clinging onto life. I sighed and stood up, looking at the storm cloud above me. Fantastic, it was going to rain. Letting out an exasperated sigh I jumped over the fence that was guarding my alley way. Might as well go get drunk, there is nothing better I can do. 

I walked down the streets of downtown, not to many people out yet because it was still morning. But the people that were out gave me stares. Some rude and some pitiful. Maybe it was the fact that a homeless 17 year old girl was wandering the streets. I sighed and walked over the the nearest liquor store. I opened the door taking in the strong smell of booze. "Hey Phoenix, you're in early today." The employee Rick said to me. "Woke up early." I shrugged. 

"6 shooters please." I said, giving him the 10 dollars I found on the street. He nodded and walked over to the glass box behind me, taking out six of the small bottles of pure alcohol. Rick put them in a paper bag and handed me the change. "Have a good one." He said to me, giving me a sympathetic smile. I nodded and left the store, shoving bottles into my tattered jeans pockets. I tossed the paper bag on the ground and started taking the lid off of one, then gulping the whole thing down. "Shit that's strong." I mumbled. 

I walked for a good 5 minutes till I ended up back in my alleyway, already feeling the alcohol take effect on me. I sat down on my bed, downing the other five. I was fully drunk in close to 10 minutes. "God fucking dammit." I growled, throwing the small glass bottles on the brick wall besides me. I felt a sharp pain before I looked down at my hands, noticing they were bleeding due to the glass shards in them. I ran my hands through my messy blonde hair, not even caring I was getting blood in it. "Why me. What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" I slurred. 

I looked up at the sky, before I was met with a hand being brought down on my mouth. Panic fled through my body, my drunken mind not being able to comprehend what was going on. I began swinging my fists, but everything was extremely blurry so it was difficult to see where I was hitting. "Let go of me you fucker!" I yelled, but my desperate cries were muffled. The person who was doing this threw me over his shoulder, and began running to a white van. I started to try and kick his back, but before I knew it I was being thrown into the van. He hopped into the truck and bolted away from the alley I used to call home. 

"Where are you taking me? Please let me go, I won't tell anyone, I don't have anyone to tell! Please just let me go!" I pleaded, desperately trying to come out of my drunken state. He didn't respond. All of the sudden nausea came over me and I threw up all over the car, causing the horrible taste of bile to make it's way in my mouth. He still didn't say anything. I was in full fledged panic mode now, where was he taking me? Am I going to die? He can easily do bad stuff to me because I am completely drunk, what do I do? "I think you'll sell well." The male mumbled. I threw up again, not because of the alcohol this time. What was going to happen to me? "Please, what is going to happen to me? What do you mean by sell? Are you going to sell me?" 

"Quit with this act, why are you so scared? You have no where to go back to." He said simply. My eyes widened, and I completely stopped talking, maybe he was right. I looked down at my worn out sweater I was wearing and started silently crying. The drive after this was completely silent, the only sounds were of me crying. Suddenly the car jolted to a stop and he got out of the car. I started panicking, remembering how he was was talking about selling me. He opened the door to the car and pulled me out forcefully before throwing me over his shoulder. 

He opened the door to a house and dropped me on the floor, before pulling me by the hair down a flight of stairs which I was assuming was the basement. As soon as we were down the stairs I saw three young teenagers chained onto a wall. "No no no, please let me go!" I cried. "Quit fucking saying that." He spoke in a monotone type of voice. He sat me next to a boy before chaining me to the wall as well. "Please..." I choked out one more time, but as soon as I said that he slapped me across the face. "I thought I said to stop saying that shit." He grabbed my face before throwing to the side. I was in complete shock, not daring to speak another word.

He nodded to me and went up the stairs of the basement. I started silently crying, I can't believe this was happening to me. "Thanks a lot, now he is going to be pissed when he comes down here in the morning." The man next to me said. I looked at him disbelievingly. "What do you expect me to do! I just got fucking kidnapped!" I yelled at him. "Your drunk." He mumbled. "Yeah no shit." I spat at him, why was he so rude to me? 

I looked down, not even being able to muster up any tears, all I felt was numb, not even the alcohol was helping. Why did this happen to me?

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