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Isaacs POV

I was in Stiles's jeep, him driving while Scott sat shot gun. The awkward silence had been going on for what felt like ages, when Scott broke it I was so grateful.

"Isaac you need to know that things have changed, certain people in particular since you have left."

I considered what he said, my attention focused on how Scott stated certain people had changed.

"Certain people including who?", I asked.

"Not necessarily a plural more like y/n to be specific, her personality and looks have changed quite a bit, try not to bring it up with her though."

My heart skipped a beat, and i began to break into a sweat, i prayed Scott couldn't smell the great anxiety and nervousness I was experiencing right now. The memory was still fresh in my mind of our last conversation , I told her I was leaving to France. I remember she didn't understand why I had to leave, how she believed I was leaving her. I remember the look of hurt in her beautiful eyes as she stormed away leaving me standing there, only for me to board my flight. 

"Isaac? Isaac?", my thoughts were interrupted by Scott.

"Are you ok? You don't look that well, we don't have to do this all today, I know it's a lot to take in."

"No i'm fine." I replied although it was the complete opposite of what I was feeling, I prayed Scott was not listening to my heartbeat right now. It's better late than never I thought to myself.


"If you try to threaten my, my friends, or anyone I care about again I will personally find you, kill you, and cover your dead body with mountain ash." With that you slammed him into the wall, he hit it with satisfying smack.

"Nice one", you heard Derek say.

"No way was that a compliment? Did Derek Hale actually give out a compliment, with a non sarcastic tone?", you said.

"Get over it", he replied smiling, a rare thing for Derek hale.

Life was good, after Isaac left for France sure you cried a bit, he maybe broke your heart, but who needs him? All was great right now, you just got rid of Kate, and figured out how to kill the bezerkers, without Isaacs help. Plus although you pretended you hated it, you loved how everyone treated you like the baby in the pack. From Derek not having the ability to get mad at you, Scott and Stiles trying protecting you, to having your three best friends, Lydia, Malia, and Kira by your side you felt better than ever. But the best thing was you finally got over Isaac. God it felt good to not need him, letting Derek teach you how to fight was the best choice you ever made.

"y/n ?"

You looked over an saw Scott looking at you from the doorway, you could tell he was hiding something his face slightly nervous although he was trying to hide it.

"Scott whats wrong?"

"Nothing could you come over here for a second?"

As a response you quickly jogged towards him, you followed him as he pushed open the door.

Isaacs POV

This was it the moment I had been waiting for. As the door opened I saw Scott, there she was, god she was beautiful, her face was red, her hair in a ponytail sweaty she was a sight. Damn Scott was right since I had left she did change, from her raised cheekbones, to her toned legs, although I thought it was impossible she was more beautiful than ever. Finally our eyes met.

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